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That would probably be referring to iodine.

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This is iodine.

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Q: A yellow brown indicator that turn blue black when it comes in contract with starch?
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What color does the indicator turn when starch is present?

Iodine is used to indicate whether starch is present in a solution. If starch IS present, the indicator will turn dark blue/black. Iodine is used to indicate whether starch is present in a solution. If starch IS present, the indicator will turn dark blue/black. FOR WHAT PURPOSE WE USE STARCH-IODINE INDICATOR PAPER

What chemical indicator do you use for starch?

Iodine is commonly used as a chemical indicator for starch. When iodine is added to a substance containing starch, it will change color from brown to blue-black in the presence of starch.

What is an indicator for starch and the reaction is?

Iodine is an indicator for starch. The reaction between iodine and starch causes a color change from brown/orange to blue/black.

What color change does starch indicator solution make in the presence of starch?

Iodine turns it purple in the presence of starch. :D~PiNkBuN17 Aka Aisha

What color occurs when the indicator is added and starch is added?

When an indicator such as iodine is added to a solution containing starch, a blue-black color change occurs. This reaction is commonly used to detect the presence of starch, as the blue-black color is characteristic of this complex formed between the starch and iodine molecules.

What is iodine an indicator for?

Iodine is an indicator for starch. It turns blue-black in the presence of starch, making it a useful tool for detecting the presence of starchy substances in solutions or biological samples.

What is the indicator for starch?

The indicator for starch is iodine solution. Iodine changes color from brown to blue-black or purple-black in the presence of starch.

What is iodine used as an indicator for?

Iodine is commonly used as an indicator for starch. It turns blue-black in the presence of starch, allowing for easy detection of the presence of this polysaccharide.

What will happen if you pour starch indicator solution into the cell and filled the beaker with starch and glucose solution?

The starch indicator solution will turn dark blue/black since it will react with the starch in the solution. Glucose will not react with the starch indicator, so it will remain the same color. This can be used to detect the presence of starch in the solution.

What is the indicator used to test for starch hydrolysis?

The indicator used to test for starch hydrolysis is iodine. Iodine reacts with starch to form a dark blue-black color, so if the color change is observed after treating a sample with an amylase (enzyme that breaks down starch), it indicates that starch has been hydrolyzed.

Is iodine an indicator of glucose?

Iodine is not an indicator of glucose. Iodine is primarily used as an indicator for the presence of starch in a solution through the formation of a blue-black color complex. Glucose can be tested using methods such as Benedict's solution, Fehling's solution, or glucose test strips.

Why starch indicator is not added right from the beginning of titration in iodometry?

Starch indicator should not be added at the beginning of an iodometry titration because iodine can form a complex with the starch, resulting in a blue-black color that can obscure the endpoint. It is best to add the starch indicator near the endpoint, when the iodine is almost completely reacted, to help visualize the color change.