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It's dormant or inactive.

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8mo ago

A volcano that no longer erupts is called an extinct volcano.

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Q: A volcano which no longer erupts is called a?
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When a volcanoe is no longer erupts what is it called?

I am fairly certain that when a volcano no longer erupts, it is now called a dormant volcano. I think that is all that it is called

What is a volcano that no longer erupts called?


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What do you call a volcano when it no longer erupts?


What is a volcano that erupts sometimes called?

An Active Volcano.

What is the name for a volcano that no longer erupts?

Either Dormant or Extinct

What is magma called when it erupts from a volcano?

It is called Lava.

When a volcano erupts what pours out?

The stuff that pours out of a volcano is called lava.

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What is the opening from which lava erupts called?

that would be a volcano

When magma erupts from the volcano what is it called?

This is known as lava.