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A volcano that is fairly symmetrical and has both layers of lava and pyroclastic deposits is a stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano. These volcanoes are characterized by their steep-sided conical shape and alternating layers of lava flows, volcanic ash, and pyroclastic debris. They are capable of explosive eruptions due to their viscous magma composition.

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Q: A volcano that is fairly symmetrical and has both layers of lava and pyroclastic deposits is a what?
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A volcano that is fairly symmetrical and has both layers of lava and pyroclastic deposits is a .?

stratovolcano, or composite volcano

What type of volcano is fairly symmetrical and has both layers of lava and pyroclastic?


What type of volcano is fairly symmetrical and has both layers of lava and pyroclastic deposites?


A volcano that is fairly symmetrical and has both layers of lava and pyroclastic deposits is a?

stratovolcano, or composite volcano

What does a strato - volcano look like?

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When a volcanoe is no longer erupts what is it called?

I am fairly certain that when a volcano no longer erupts, it is now called a dormant volcano. I think that is all that it is called

How many people died in colimas last eruption?

Surprisingly, nobody. The most violent eruptions ocurred in 1585, 1606, 1622, 1690, 1818, 1890, 1903, 1913, 1999 and 2005. As the Colima volcano is a stratovolcano, its lava flows are very slow; the biggest danger takes the form of pyroclastic flows (dense clouds of superheated gases, ash and debris), but these rarely reach beyond 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) from the volcano's cone. Most communities around the volcano are at a fairly safe distance of 16 kilometers (10 miles) or more from the cone.

Is living near a volcano safe?

Living near a volcano can be dangerous due to the risk of eruptions, lava flows, ash fall, and gas emissions. It is important to be well-informed about the volcano's activity level and follow evacuation protocols if needed. Preparedness and awareness are key to living safely near a volcano.

What is the difference between intermittent volcano and active volcano?

An intermittent volcano is one that erupts infrequently and unpredictably, with long periods of dormancy in between eruptions. An active volcano, on the other hand, is one that is currently erupting or showing signs of potential eruption in the near future.

Is volcanic acticity frequent?

It depends on the specific volcano. Some are fairly active, while others remain dormant.

In Antarctica what is the active volcano' s name?

There are about 70 volcanoes on the Antarctic continent. Mt Erebus is fairly consistent in its activity.

What are some characteristics of cinder cone volcanoes?

A cinder cone volcano is constructed from pyroclastic materials ejected from a central vent. These pyroclastic materials which include lava, lahars, tuffs & welded tuffs accumulate to form the cone shape we observe in these tyoes of volcanoes. They generally have slopes ranging between 30 to 40 degrees. Cinder cones are generally small volcanoes and do not exceed 500m in height. Cinder cones erupt Andesitic lava which has a relativley high viscosity meaning it is thick and flows slowly. Because of the viscosity of the lava they erupt fairly explosivley.Cinder cones are very small and has lava that is very active and are very explosive