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Q: A symbolic relationship between organisms in which one species benefits and the other is neither helper or harmed is commensalism true or false?
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What is it called when one organism benefits and the other is unaffected the symbolic relationship?


In which relationship do both species benefit?

Mutualism is a type of symbiotic relationship that benefits both species involved. In this relationship, both species gain benefits from each other, such as food, protection, or support.

What does the symbolic relationship commensalism mean?

It means one organism is helped and the other is unaffected. An example is a fish that eats the scraps a shark leaves. So, the fish is benefited and the shark is unaffected.

What are the three symboitic relationships?

the three types are: parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism. all three are alike in the fact that they involve two organisms interacting in order to survive. With parasitism, one organism takes from the other in order to benefit itself. IN this case, one benefits and one suffers. One organism lives inside or on the body of the other (the host), and inflicts damage by doing so. An example would be bacteria or viruses within an organism like a human. With commensalism, it isn't a matter of who does and does not benefit. One organism eats a portion of food, and the other organism eats what the other one doesn't. It isn't really a sense to teamwork, but neither suffer. Finally, with mutualism, both organisms benefit. It's essentially teamwork, or cooperation. For example, when a bee pollinates a flower, the bee benefits, but the flower does as well.

What are ways that symbolic organisms help and hurt humans?

Organisms are not symbolic. Perhaps you mean symbiotic?

What is a symbolic relationship in which one organism befits and the other is not effected?

A commensalistic relationship is a type of symbolic relationship where one organism benefits, while the other is not affected. An example is the relationship between barnacles and whales, where barnacles attach to the whale's skin to gain a home and food, but the whale is not harmed by the barnacles.

What is symbolic relationship?

a heart

Symbiosis - relationship of a bird and a water buffalo?

This symbolic relationship is mutalism. The water buffalo provides bugs for the bird to eat and the water buffalo receives a bug cleaning service from the bugs on its body.

What is a symbolic relationship?

A symbolic relationship is one where the partners place importance on the representation or image of the relationship rather than the actual connection between them. This could involve maintaining appearances or projecting a certain image to others rather than building a genuine emotional connection.

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What does a symbolic relationship mean?

People who are in love and they show i.

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