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Q: A symbiotic relationship in which one organism is helped and the other is harmed?
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The symbiotic relationship in which both participating parties benefit is called commensalism?

Actually, a symbiotic relationship in which both parties benefit is called mutualism, not commensalism. In mutualism, both organisms benefit from the interaction, while in commensalism, one benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed.

What do you call the relationship between organis when one organisms is harmed and the other organism benefits?

when a organism is helped or harmed you call it a parasite

Symbiotic relationship in which one organisms benefits while the other is unharmed?

Commensalism benefits one organism and the other organism is neither benefited nor harmed.

What is commensalism organisms?

Commensalism is a type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed. In this relationship, one organism gains an advantage, such as obtaining food or shelter, while the other organism is unaffected. An example of commensalism is a bird building its nest in a tree, as it benefits from the shelter provided by the tree without harming it.

What is commensalism-biology?

Commensalism is a type of symbiotic relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed. The organism that benefits is known as the commensal, while the other organism is called the host. An example of commensalism is the relationship between barnacles and whales, where barnacles attach themselves to a whale's skin and benefit from the transportation and food availability provided by the whale without harming it.

Related questions

Is symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits but the other is harmed?

No, a symbiotic relationship refers to a close and long-term interaction between two different species. In a parasitic relationship, one organism benefits at the expense of the other.

What is the symbiotic relationship called when one organism is helped and the other organism is harmed?

That type of relationship is called a parasitic relationship. In this case, the organism benefiting is the parasite, while the organism being harmed is the host.

What term best describe a symbiotic relationship in which one species is helped and the other is harmed?

A relationship where one organism is benefited and the other is harmed is calledPARASITISM

What term best describes a symbiotic relationship in which one species is helped the other one is harmed?

A relationship where one organism is benefited and the other is harmed is calledPARASITISM

What is a symbiotic relationship in which one organism is helped and one organism is harmed?


What relationship in which one organism is helped and another organism is neither helped nor harmed?

parasite relationship

What are animals in symbiotic relation called?

It depends on what type of relationship they have. Parasitism is when one organism lives in or on another organism and harms it. Mutualism is when two organisms benefit from their relationship. Commensalism is when one organism benefits from the relationship and the other is not helped, nor is it harmed.

What do you call any living relationship in which two species is neither helped or harmed?

symbiotic relationship

What term best describes a symbiotic relationship in which one is helped and the other is harmed?

A parasitic relationship, which you describe, is not symbiotic. A symbiotic relationship is one which is beneficial to both entities.

The symbiotic relationship in which both participating parties benefit is called commensalism?

Actually, a symbiotic relationship in which both parties benefit is called mutualism, not commensalism. In mutualism, both organisms benefit from the interaction, while in commensalism, one benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed.

Is the host harmed in symbiotic relationship?

No. Most often the host is not bothered and sometimes it is helped.

What is definition commennsalism?

Commensalism is a type of symbiotic relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits while the other is neither harmed nor helped. One organism (the commensal) benefits from the relationship, while the other (the host) is unaffected.