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Consciousness in its pure state

Then it is sensed as energy

Right from energy matter gets projected as space and time emerge out of consciousness

So we have a fantastic ground to play

Finally to get merged within pure consciousness, self realization process is essential.

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8y ago
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4w ago

Stars are considered the building blocks of the universe because they are responsible for creating and dispersing the elements necessary for the formation of planets, moons, and even life itself. Through nuclear fusion in their cores, stars produce elements like carbon, oxygen, and iron that are essential for the existence of complex organisms. Additionally, stars play a crucial role in the cycle of stellar birth and death, seeding the cosmos with the raw materials for future generations of stars and celestial bodies.

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11y ago

Stars are considered the building blocks of the universe because,when a star dies,the gas it releases forms new stars.

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11y ago

Because inside the stars there is a process called NUCLEAR FUSION where lighter elements become heavier and all the havier elements are produced inside stars

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8y ago

I think to stars, planets, comets, meteorites.

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15y ago

All the different ellements

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Q: A star is considered the building blocks of the universe why?
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What is the two building blocks of stars?

The two main building blocks of stars are hydrogen and helium. These elements make up the majority of a star's mass and are crucial for the nuclear fusion reactions that power a star's core and produce energy.

How many uses are there for the atom?

Atoms are the building blocks of matter and are involved in countless processes and structures in the universe. They are used in various fields like chemistry, physics, and biology to understand reactions, create compounds, and study materials at the most basic level. The uses of atoms are diverse and essential to our understanding of the natural world.

What is the brightest star in the universe?

As the question specifies brightness, the brightest star in the Universe is our Sun - because it is the closest star to us. The most luminous star is another question: See related question.

What planet or star is in the center of the universe?

There is no specific planet or star at the center of the universe. The universe is constantly expanding in all directions from the Big Bang and does not have a central point. Each observer will see the universe as expanding away from them, giving the illusion of a center.

Distinguish between a celestial object and the universe?

A celestial object is an individual physical entity, such as a star, planet, moon, or asteroid, that exists within the universe. The universe, on the other hand, refers to the entirety of space and everything in it, including all celestial objects, galaxies, and other forms of matter and energy. In essence, celestial objects are components of the universe.

Related questions

What is the two building blocks of stars?

The two main building blocks of stars are hydrogen and helium. These elements make up the majority of a star's mass and are crucial for the nuclear fusion reactions that power a star's core and produce energy.

Is Star Wars the most popular theme for Lego building blocks?

Star Wars themed Lego blocks have been sold since 1999 and continues to be the most popular theme of Lego blocks as said by many consumers and reviewers.

Star is to Universe as Cell is to?

Star is to Universe as Cell is to

When did Phantasy Star Universe happen?

Phantasy Star Universe happened in 2006.

Which is bigger a star or the universe?

The universe contains everything that exists, including every star. The universe is many times larger than any star.

Did the big bang theory start out as a star?

No. The matter in the Universe is believed to have started in a very dense and hot region, but this is not considered a star. At the earliest point we can currently imagine, what is now the entire observable Universe was in a space smaller than a proton.

When was Phantasy Star Universe created?

Phantasy Star Universe was created on 2006-08-31.

What is the closest star to your universe?

The sun is our closest star.

Is there a star older than the universe?

No. The universe is everything that exists.

Who is the universe star?


When was A Guide to the Star Wars Universe created?

A Guide to the Star Wars Universe was created on 1984-09-01.

What is the 4 biggest star in the universe?

The biggest star's name is unknown, it is because they are too far enough to be seen by naked eye and even large telescopes. You answer might change because the Universe is expanding because of the galaxies which are building stars inside them. I hope you understand this all...Read more: Biggest_star_in_the_universe