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It is -55.413 assuming the downward-directed field is properly aligned, colinear with the earth's magnetic field, and atomized. A recent survey conclusively indicated that 2 m drops occur exclusively in Texas.

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The weight of the water drop can be calculated using the formula: weight = volume x density x acceleration due to gravity. First, determine the volume of the drop using the formula for the volume of a sphere: (4/3) * pi * (radius)^3. Then, multiply the volume by the density of water (1000 kg/m^3) and acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2) to find the weight. Your result will be in Newtons.

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Q: A spherical water drop 2.00 m in diameter is suspended in calm air owing to a downward-directed atmospheric electric field E453 NC What is the weight of the drop?
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How many times would the earth fit inside the galaxy?

Divide the diameter of the galaxy by the diameter of Earth. Since it seems you want to compare the volumes, raise the result to the third power. This assumes the galaxy is spherical - which in a way it is, if you consider the halo of star clusters.

What is the largest sphere in the world?

The largest spherical object in the world is the Globe of Peace in Ukraine, measuring 35 meters in diameter and weighing 160 tons.

How are the planets round?

Planets/dwarf planets don't become approximately spherical in shape until they are around ~1000km in diameter, although the density plays an important part in this. Astronomers call it `hydrostatic equalibrium`, where the mass of the planet results in enough gravity to pull the planet into a spherical shape. The largest asteroids in the asteroid belts show this quite well. The largest is Ceres, around 975km in diameter, round and so classed as a dwarf planet. The next largest is Vesta, which is around 530km in diameter - its not quite massive enough to form a spherical shape, remaining irregular.

What is Venus' diameter radius circumference and area?

Venus' radius is 6052 kilometers. You can derive the other measurements by using the standard formulae for circles and spheres (and assuming that Venus is spherical, which is a fairly good approximation).

What determines the resolution of a ground-based telescope?

The resolution of a ground-based telescope is determined by factors such as the diameter of the primary mirror or lens, the quality of the optics, atmospheric conditions, and the wavelength of the observed light. In general, larger telescopes with better optical quality can achieve higher resolution. Atmospheric turbulence can also limit resolution by causing blurring and distortion of images.

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To answer this question, the mass of the spherical protein is needed. the fact that the protein is a sphere and that it has a density of 1gcm3 is not enough information to determine the diameter.

What is equivalent spherical diameter?

is the diameter of a sphere having same volume as that of the paricle.

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It is 305 meters or 1,001 feet in diameter.

What is used to measure spherical radius?

You can measure the diameter, then divide that by 2.

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There is no simple answer to this question because eggs are not spherical but ellipsoids (3 dimensional ellipses). There is, therefore, no direct link between the diameter and length. If it were spherical, the length would have been 1.2*10^2 mm.

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The Sun has a diameter of about 1.4 million kilometers and is roughly spherical in shape. It does not have a clear defined "width" as it is a continuously burning ball of gas.

180 inches in diameter is how many inches in width?

Diameter is the width of a circular or spherical figure or object. Something 180 inches in diameter is also 180 inches in width or thickness.

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The answer is 0.606 litres, approx. This quantity of milk will have to be injected into the bowl since if it is spherical, there is no opening into which the milk can be poured.

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The question cannot be answered. Is it about the diameter of the container from which the liquid is poured or of the cups? Is the shape cylindrical (and if so, how tall?) or is it spherical?

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measure the circumference, c. Since c = pi x d where d = diameter pi = 3.1415926535897932384676..... diameter = circumference / pi

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