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it can move like a slug.

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4mo ago

A slime mold can move like a fluid, flowing and changing shape to navigate through different environments.

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How do pretzel slime mold move?

Slime molds are plant like heterotrophs, which means that they are unable to move

How does pretzel slime mold move?


Can move like amoebas and reproduce like fungi?

Organisms that can move like amoebas and reproduce like fungi include slime molds. Slime molds are single-celled organisms that can join together to form multicellular structures when reproducing. They move by extending their cytoplasmic projections, known as pseudopodia, similar to how amoebas move.

What is the class of slime mold?

Slime molds are fungus-like protists. They have a feeding and a reproducing stage in life. See link below for more information.

What kind of protists is the mildew that commonly grows in the damp areas?

slime mold

What kingdome is slime mold in?

The kingdom that slime mold is in is "Fungi'.

What kinds of fungus can move?

Certain kinds of slime molds, which are commonly regarded as fungi, can move. Slime molds come in different types, one of which is called "cellular." The cellular slime mold starts as an amoeba-like or yeast-like cell that divides into multiple, individual cells. The amoeba-like cells move on their own. Eventually, slime mold cells combine into a single body, and such a body sometimes looks and acts much like a common slug. In this form it moves about in quest of a place to go to the next stage in its life. The next step is for the combined body to differentiate into a stem and a fruiting body, and at this stage it may appear to be very like a mold.

How does slime mold move?

they creep over logs ad they need to move.

What is the name of the slime mold?

The scientific name of a slime mold is Dictyostelium discoideum.

What is orange slime mold?

orange slime mold is orange cream pops melting

In what way does the slime mold resemble a fungus?

It is not a good description. A slime mold is a protist.

Is slime mold a ciliate?

Slime mold is not a ciliate. Although slime molds enter a amoeboid stage, they are not equipped with cilia.