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green. The green is the only color not absorbed and therefor bounces off the shoe creating a green appearance

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1mo ago

A shoe that appears to be green would not absorb green light. Instead, it would reflect green light wavelengths, making it appear green to our eyes.

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Q: A shoe that appears to be green would not absorb which color of light?
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What color wavelengths of light do plants primarily absorb?

Plants primarily absorb red and blue wavelengths of light for photosynthesis. These wavelengths are absorbed by pigments like chlorophyll to convert light energy into chemical energy used for plant growth and development. Green light is less absorbed and is instead reflected, giving plants their green color.

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Green light is not absorbed by plants well. Instead, plants mostly absorb blue and red light for photosynthesis.

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The color of anything is either the color of the light that is reflected from it, or the light that is transmitted through it. The other colors in white light are absorbed. So, since we see leaves as green whether in reflected light or when light shines through them, green is the color which is NOT absorbed.

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Cyan absorbs red light. Red light is the opposite color of cyan in the additive color model, so cyan appears to us as a combination of blue and green light while absorbing red light.

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Plants need a well-rounded spectrum of light for photosynthesis to occur efficiently. If only green light is used, it's not enough to meet the plant's energy needs. The plant would struggle to produce sufficient energy for growth, leading to droopy appearance as it tries to conserve energy.

Why plants look like green?

Plants appear green because of chlorophyll, a pigment that absorbs sunlight to power photosynthesis. This pigment reflects green light, giving plants their characteristic color. Green is the most visible light spectrum that is not absorbed by chlorophyll, making plants look green to us.

Does the color green absorb heat?

Yes, the color green does absorb heat because it absorbs most of the visible spectrum of light, including the energy that contributes to heat. The darker the shade of green, the more heat it will absorb.

Do objects absorb all colors of light except for the color that it appears to be?

No, objects absorb some colors of light and reflect others. The color that an object appears to be is the color of light that it reflects. For example, a red apple looks red because it absorbs all colors of light except for red, which it reflects.

What color are absorbed by a green leaf?

Green leaves absorb most colors of light except for green. They mainly absorb red and blue wavelengths of light for photosynthesis, which is why they appear green to our eyes.

What color light does the chlorophyll in plants absorb best?

Chlorophyll in plants primarily absorbs blue and red light most efficiently. These wavelengths are crucial for the process of photosynthesis, where chlorophyll molecules absorb light energy and convert it into chemical energy to fuel plant growth. Other colors of light, like green, are less absorbed by chlorophyll and are instead reflected, which is why plants appear green to us.