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Q: A set or category of things having some property or attribute in common and differentiated from others by kind type or quality?
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What is a property in math?

an attribute, quality, or characteristic of something

How would you define the property?

an attribute, quality, or characteristic of something.

What does property mean in algebra?

an attribute, quality, or characteristic of something

What is the difference between attribute and quality?

attribute: to consider as a quality or characteristic of the person, thing, group, etc., indicated: He attributed intelligence to his colleagues. quality: an essential or distinctive characteristic, property, or attribute: the chemical qualities of alcohol. 2. character or nature, as belonging to or distinguishing a thing: the quality of a sound.

What describes quality?

look in a thesaurus, or one onlinecondition, characteristic, property, attribute, character, excellence

What are some synonyms the word traits?

characteristics descriptions ways to describecharacter, feature, attribute, cast, mark, quality, property, point

Words that describe quality?

Quality can also be described with the word superior. Often times the term upper class was used by the wealthy.

What is a poperty?

A property is a characteristic or attribute of an object or thing. It can describe the state, condition, or quality of something. In real estate, property refers to land or buildings that can be owned by individuals, organizations, or entities.

What does attribute meen?

A quality of feature belonging to a person or a thing. As in 'a red house' Red is the attribute of the house

What is a character attribute?

A character attribute refers to a quality that a person possesses, such as funny personality or a kind heart.

What are the different costs involved in quality?

1- Cost attribute to poor quality 2- Cost of attaining quality

What is a synonym for characteristic?

trait, quality, attribute, distinguishing feature