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cutting the gene out of the DNA with enzymes

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

Cutting the gene out of DNA with enzymes - gradpoint

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βˆ™ 6y ago

instering the gene into plasmid

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Q: A scientist wants to insert new gene into a bacterium what is the first step in this process?
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A scientist wants to instert a new gene into bacterium what is the first step in this process?

cutting the gene out of DNA with enzymes

Scientist wants to insert a new gene into a bacterium. What is the first step in this process?

Cutting the gene out of DNA with enzymes - gradpoint

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What is the first step in inserting a new gene into a bacterium?

The first step in inserting a new gene into a bacterium is to isolate the gene of interest and prepare it for insertion. This can involve cutting the gene with restriction enzymes and ligating it into a vector, which is a piece of DNA that can deliver the gene into the bacterium.

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The recrystallization process was first developed by chemist Friedrich WΓΆhler in the early 19th century. He discovered that by dissolving a compound in a solvent and then allowing it to slowly crystallize, he could purify the compound.

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