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Q: A process of perceptual organisation that refers to our tendency to group elements in a way that creates a balanced figure refers to the principle of?
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What refers to the perceptual principle that states that you automatically separate the elements of a perception into the feature that clearly stands out and its less distinct background?

This perceptual principle is known as figure-ground segregation. It helps us distinguish between an object of focus (figure) and its surroundings (ground) by automatically organizing visual information.

What is the Overarching Gestalt principle of perceptual organization is that of?

The principle of similarity posits that elements that are similar in some way, such as shape, color, or size, tend to be perceived as a unified group or figure. This principle helps the brain organize and make sense of visual information by grouping similar objects together.

Defense in Depth elements focus on what three areas?

An important principle of the Defense in Depth strategy is that achieving Information assurance requires a balanced focus on three primary elements: People, Technology and defense of the environment

What group of elements are un reactive?

Balanced or neutral elements. They are more stable because they have a balanced number of protons and electrons.

What are the various elements of perception?

The various elements of perception include sensation (receiving information through our senses), attention (focusing on specific stimuli), interpretation (making sense of the information), and organization (structuring the information into a coherent whole). Perception is also influenced by factors such as past experiences, emotions, and cultural background.

What is perceptual salience?

Perceptual salience refers to the tendency of certain objects or stimuli to stand out and capture our attention in a given environment. Factors such as size, color, motion, and novelty can influence perceptual salience, making certain elements more noticeable than others. Perceptual salience plays a role in guiding our attention and shaping our perception of the world around us.

Identify the elements of the perceptual process model as regards communication in companies?

If you had bothered to read your textbook, you would have had the answer to this question.

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by its competitors

Which of the following are elements of the COLDER principle (Select all that apply)?

The elements of the COLDER principle are Context, Outcome, Links, Data, Ethics, Relevance.

Describe how you used art elements to create the design principle UNITY?

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to oragnise elements on the basis of atomic number.

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Piezoresistive elements can be ceramic or plastic. They generate electricity when compressed.