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located on the prime meridian

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Equator. The Equator is an imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. Any point located at 0 degrees latitude lies directly on this line.

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Q: A point whose latitude is 0 degrees is located on the?
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Is a city located 120 degrees E next to the east of the prime meridian or equator?

A city located at 120 degrees E is next to the east of the Prime Meridian but not necessarily next to the Equator. The Equator is at 0 degrees latitude, so the city's latitude would determine if it is close to the Equator.

What latitude is the tropic of cancer located at?

The Tropic of Cancer is the line that joins all points on the earth whose latitude is 23.5 degrees north.ALL longitudes on earth have a point on the Tropic of Cancer.

What is another name for 0 degrees latitude besides equator?

The Prime Meridian is the line whose longitude is defined as zero. The equator is the line whose latitude is defined as zero.

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The two states whose borders end at 46 degrees north latitude are North Dakota and Montana.

Is Kansas a longitude or latitude?

Every point on Earth has both a latitude and a longitude.Any point whose latitude is anything between 37° and 40° North,and whose longitude is anything between 95.3° and 102° West,is somewhere in Kansas.

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Biphenyl (C6H5)2 has a melting point of 69.2 degrees Celsius

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The zero degree line of latitude, known as the Equator, and the zero degree line of longitude, known as the Prime Meridian, intersect at a point in the Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Africa. This intersection is located off the coast of Ghana, in the Gulf of Guinea.

At what degree of longitude is the Prime Meridian?

The longitude of every point on the Prime Meridian is Zero.

An observer at a latitude of 79 Degrees North sees the Sun at the zenith at noon on which days?

An observer at a latitude of 79 degrees North will see the Sun at the zenith on the summer solstice, around June 21. This is when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky and appears directly overhead at noon.

What is Zambia's absolute location?

Zambia is located at approximately 15.4167 degrees south latitude and 28.2833 degrees east longitude in southern Africa.

What state is southern border whose latitude is 35 degrees north?

Could be Tennessee or North Carolina.

What city in Canada is 52 degrees North and 106 degrees West?

You've greatly underestimated the uses of latitude/longitude coordinates. Once you state a pair of numbers, you've descibed a single point on the Earth's surface. Two cities can't have the same coordinates. In fact, technically you can't even stick two nails in the ground at exactly the same coordinates. The point 50N / 95W is located about 265 feet from the water's edge, at a small lake whose name I can't find on my maps, and about 4.58 miles northwest of the center of the town of Malachi, Ontario, Canada.