Industrial hemp (cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativavar. sativa) looks very similar to marijuana (cannabis sativa subsp. indica), but has only minute concentrations of the psychoactive drug THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).
One plant that resembles a marijuana plant is the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). Hemp is a different variety of the cannabis plant that contains very low levels of THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana. It is commonly grown for its industrial uses such as making textiles, paper, and building materials.
The plant you are describing sounds like a Madonna Lily (Lilium candidum). This plant typically has a flower with 3 petals and 3 pistils, but variations can occur. It is known for its white trumpet-shaped flowers with yellow stamens that resemble pistils.
A cocklebur plant is an annual weed that can grow up to 3 feet tall. It has large, heart-shaped leaves with spiny, green burrs that contain seeds. The plant produces small, greenish-white flowers that develop into the burrs as the seeds mature.
Zebra plant seeds are small, round, and black in color. They are typically about the size of a sesame seed and have a hard shell to protect the embryo inside.
They are green, usually and flat and come in many shapes. Go outside and look don at the grass, grass has long thin pointy leaves. Go and look at some trees they have wider leaves that come in many shapes.
The plant that looks like mini lily pads is called "duckweed." It floats on the surface of water and has small round leaves resembling lily pads. Duckweed is commonly found in ponds and other bodies of water.
a baby (#dope!)
its a plant looks like sand
False Aralia looks like marijuana.
the marijuana plant of course/cannabis plant/dope
tell me
A tobacco plant looks like a cabbage or lettuce plant in some ways
a circle
andi sabo is not a plant but she looks like one.
uh...that would be telescope or dope.
Not exactly... more like someone has a good imagination and the plant is colorful and pretty and looks vaguely similar. Sort of like with the elephant ears plant.
the Japanese maple tree has leaves that look alot like the marijuana plant in shape, but they can have a slight red tint to them.
it looks like a cram berry