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That's a "permanent" magnet.

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A material that retains its magnetic properties after being removed from a magnetic field is called a permanent magnet. These materials are able to maintain their magnetization due to their atomic or molecular structure that allows them to have a permanent magnetic field. Common examples include materials like iron, cobalt, and nickel.

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Q: A piece of magnetic material that retains its magnetic properties after it is removed from a magnetic field?
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What is a piece of magnetic material that remains its magnetic proporties after it is removed form a magnetic field?

A piece of magnetic material that retains its magnetic properties after being removed from a magnetic field is called a permanent magnet. These materials are able to maintain their magnetization due to their intrinsic magnetic orientations at the atomic level.

Material which retains its magnetism after the source magnetism is removed?

This material is called a ferromagnetic material. It retains its magnetism due to its atomic structure, where the magnetic moments of individual atoms align in a preferred direction even after the external magnetic field is removed. Examples include iron, nickel, and cobalt.

What is magnetic hysteresis?

Magnetic hysteresis is the phenomenon where the magnetization of a material depends not only on the current magnetic field, but also its history. When the magnetic field is applied and then removed, the material retains some magnetization, showing a lag or "memory" in its response to changing magnetic fields. This results in the characteristic hysteresis loop observed in magnetic materials.

The ability of material to retain its magnetism is known as?

The ability of a material to retain its magnetism is known as magnetic hysteresis. It refers to the phenomenon where a material retains some magnetization even after the external magnetizing field is removed.

Metal which has high magnetic power?

Iron is a metal with high magnetic power. It is capable of being magnetized and retains its magnetism well, making it a common material for magnets and magnetic applications.

Related questions

Define permanant magnet?

A permanent magnet is a material that retains its magnetic properties without the need for an external magnetic field. These magnets have their own persistent magnetic field and can attract or repel other objects with magnetic properties. Common examples include fridge magnets and magnets used in speakers.

What is a piece of magnetic material that remains its magnetic proporties after it is removed form a magnetic field?

A piece of magnetic material that retains its magnetic properties after being removed from a magnetic field is called a permanent magnet. These materials are able to maintain their magnetization due to their intrinsic magnetic orientations at the atomic level.

How magnetic materials are magnetised?

Magnetic materials are magnetized by exposing them to a magnetic field, such as from a magnet or an electromagnet. This causes the magnetic domains within the material to align, creating a net magnetic field. The material retains this magnetic field even after the external field is removed.

What the process involved in making magnet?

To make a magnet, a material with magnetic properties (such as iron, cobalt, or nickel) is exposed to a magnetic field. This aligns the magnetic domains within the material, creating a permanent magnet that retains its magnetism. Additional processes like heating or cooling may be involved to enhance the magnet's properties.

Material which retains its magnetism after the source magnetism is removed?

This material is called a ferromagnetic material. It retains its magnetism due to its atomic structure, where the magnetic moments of individual atoms align in a preferred direction even after the external magnetic field is removed. Examples include iron, nickel, and cobalt.

What is magnetic hysteresis?

Magnetic hysteresis is the phenomenon where the magnetization of a material depends not only on the current magnetic field, but also its history. When the magnetic field is applied and then removed, the material retains some magnetization, showing a lag or "memory" in its response to changing magnetic fields. This results in the characteristic hysteresis loop observed in magnetic materials.

The ability of material to retain its magnetism is known as?

The ability of a material to retain its magnetism is known as magnetic hysteresis. It refers to the phenomenon where a material retains some magnetization even after the external magnetizing field is removed.

What distinguishes a permanent magnet from a temporary magnet?

A permanent magnet retains its magnetism once it has been magnetized, while a temporary magnet only retains its magnetic properties as long as it is in the presence of a magnetic field. Permanent magnets are made of materials with high magnetic retentivity, such as iron or steel, while temporary magnets are usually made of materials with low magnetic retentivity, like soft iron.

How would you describe a temporary magnet?

A temporary magnet is a material that becomes magnetic when placed in a magnetic field and loses its magnetism when the magnetic field is removed. This differs from a permanent magnet which retains its magnetism without the need for an external magnetic field. Temporary magnets are often made from materials like iron, steel, or nickel.

Why should the material used for making permanent magnets have high coercivity?

High coercivity in permanent magnets ensures that they can maintain their magnetization in the presence of external magnetic fields, making them stable and reliable for long-term use. This property also allows the magnetic material to resist demagnetization, ensuring that the magnet retains its magnetic properties over time.

Metal which has high magnetic power?

Iron is a metal with high magnetic power. It is capable of being magnetized and retains its magnetism well, making it a common material for magnets and magnetic applications.

What is a pernanent magnet?

You may mean 'permanent' in which case it's a material which retains it's magnetic field, unlike a temporary magnet.