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Q: A period of revolution around the sun for a certain planet depends on?
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Is the period of revolution dependent on the size of the planet?

No. The period of revolution depends on the size of the orbit of the planet.

Does the period of revolution increase or decrease?


What is Mercury's period of revolution around the sun?

Mercury's period of revolution around the sun is about 88 Earth days.

What is the period of revolution for the moon?

From the point of view of a person on earth, the moon's period of rotation on its axis and revolution around earth are both 27.32 days. From the point of view of a person on the moon, the period of rotation on its axis and revolution around earth are both 27.32 [earth] days, and the period of revolution around the sun averages 365.24 earth days.

What is the period revolution for the moon?

From the point of view of a person on earth, the moon's period of rotation on its axis and revolution around earth are both 27.32 days. From the point of view of a person on the moon, the period of rotation on its axis and revolution around earth are both 27.32 [earth] days, and the period of revolution around the sun averages 365.24 earth days.

What is the period of a planets revolution can be used to calculate the planet?

The period of a planet's revolution is the time that it takes to complete one revolution around its axis of rotation relative to the background stars (also known as rotation period).

What is the period of earth's movement around the sun called?


What is mars' revolution period around the sun?

687 days.

Does the mass of a planet affect its period of revolution around the Sun?

No, it does not.

Which planet has the longest period of the revolution around the sun?


Which planet has the shortest period of revolution as measured relative to earths time?

The planet that has the shortest period of revolution is Mercury, which is 88 days. The planet with the longest revolution is Neptune, which is 165 years. Earth's revolution is the third shortest.

What is the period of revolution for Juipiter?

Jupiter takes about 11.86 Earth years to complete one orbit around the Sun. This is known as its orbital period or revolution.