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Q: A particle is in an infinite well and in its ground state (1.41 eV) how much energy is needed to get it to its second excited state?
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Do electrons prefer to be in their ground state?

Electrons tend to be in their lowest energy state or ground state, as this is the most stable configuration. However, they can be excited to higher energy states temporarily before returning to their ground state.

Do atoms in the excited state have more electrons than in the ground state?

No, atoms in the excited state do not have more electrons than in the ground state. The number of electrons in an atom remains the same regardless of its energy state. In the excited state, electrons are in higher energy levels or orbitals compared to the ground state.

Why do elements go from ground state to excited state?

Elements go from the ground state to the excited state if some form of energy is supplied. Otherwise, they stay in the ground state.

What is the difference between the ground state of an atom and excited state of an atom?

The ground state of an atom is its lowest energy state, where electrons occupy their normal energy levels. When an atom is in an excited state, its electrons have absorbed energy and moved to higher energy levels, causing instability. The excited state is temporary, as the electrons will eventually return to their ground state by releasing the absorbed energy.

Can an electron stay in an excited state without outside energy?

No, an electron cannot remain in an excited state without additional energy input. Excited states are temporary and the electron will eventually return to its ground state, releasing the energy it absorbed as photons.

Related questions

What causes an electron to go from a ground state to excited state?

An electron can be excited to a higher energy level by absorbing a photon with energy equal to the energy difference between the ground state and the excited state. This can happen through various processes such as collisions with other particles or electromagnetic interactions. Once the electron is in an excited state, it can return to its ground state by emitting a photon of corresponding energy.

What has a higher energy ground state or excited state?


What must an electron do to move from ground state to an excited state?

An electron must absorb energy in the form of a photon to move from the ground state to an excited state. This energy must be equal to the energy difference between the ground state and the excited state. Once the electron reaches the excited state, it can then emit a photon and return to a lower energy state.

In which state does the electron possess more energy?

An electron possesses more energy when it is in an excited state compared to its ground state. Excited states have electrons that are further from the nucleus, so they have higher energy levels.

Why an element show excited state?

An element shows an excited state when its electrons absorb energy and move to higher energy levels. This can happen when the element is exposed to heat, light, or electricity. In the excited state, the electrons are in an unstable configuration, and they will eventually return to their ground state by emitting energy in the form of light or heat.

Which subatomic particle is most easily lost from an atom?

The photon probably may be the answer. Every time an electron of an atom gets "excited" after gaining energy, it emits a photon to reach, or rather obtain the ground state(energy levels)

What does the change of an atom from an excited state to the ground state always require?

An atom emits a photon (particle of light) when transitioning from a ground state to its excited state. To obey conservation of energy, the energy gained by the atom when an electron moves to a lower energy level is equal to the energy it loses in emitting the photon. (The energy of a photon is E = hf, where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the photon.) Conversely, when an atom absorbs a photon (as is the case in absorption spectra), the electron absorbing the photon moves to a higher energy level.

A state in which an atom has more energy than it does at its ground state?

An atom is in an excited state when it has absorbed energy, causing its electrons to move to higher energy levels. These excited electrons are unstable and eventually return to their ground state by emitting energy in the form of light or heat.

Do electrons prefer to be in their ground state?

Electrons tend to be in their lowest energy state or ground state, as this is the most stable configuration. However, they can be excited to higher energy states temporarily before returning to their ground state.

Do atoms in the excited state have more electrons than in the ground state?

No, atoms in the excited state do not have more electrons than in the ground state. The number of electrons in an atom remains the same regardless of its energy state. In the excited state, electrons are in higher energy levels or orbitals compared to the ground state.

Why do elements go from ground state to excited state?

Elements go from the ground state to the excited state if some form of energy is supplied. Otherwise, they stay in the ground state.

Energy gap between the excited and ground states for the sodium ion?

The energy gap between the excited and ground states for the sodium ion is about 2.1 electron volts (eV). This energy difference corresponds to the energy required to excite an electron from the ground state to the excited state in a sodium ion.