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A famine

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Q: A name for severe food shortage?
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Was there a shortage of food and water during hurricane Katrina?

Yes, there was a severe shortage of food and water during Hurricane Katrina. Many residents were stranded without access to basic necessities for days due to flooding, power outages, and breakdowns in communication. Relief efforts were hindered by the scale and intensity of the disaster.

What is food shortage?

Food shortage occurs when there is a lack of sufficient food to meet the demand of a population. This can be caused by various factors such as natural disasters, conflict, economic instability, or transportation issues. Food shortages can lead to malnutrition, hunger, and other serious health problems.

How dust bowl effects the shortage of food?

it made a shortege of food becuse it destroyd farms

What is a drastic shortage of anything?

A drastic shortage refers to a situation where there is a severe lack or insufficiency of a particular resource, often causing difficulties in meeting demand or fulfilling basic needs. This can lead to scarcity, desperation, and economic imbalances.

What are the negative effects of global food shortage?

Global food shortage can lead to malnutrition, hunger, and increased susceptibility to diseases, particularly in vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly. It can also contribute to social unrest, political instability, and economic hardships in affected regions. Additionally, food shortages can drive up food prices, exacerbate food insecurity, and put pressure on natural resources and ecosystems.

Related questions

What is another word for severe shortage?

A severe shortage of rain is called a drought ( or a drowth); one of food is called a famine.

The Soviets experienced a severe shortage of food during their war recovery because?

too much emphasis was on industrialization

What is a shortage of food mean?

Food shortage is when there is not enough food. When the amount you have does not equal or exceed the amount that you need, you have a shortage. In this case, the shortage is of food.

What happens to your body when you have a shortage of food?

you will become weak and dizzy. you can throw up and pass out. if it gets severe your stomache will actually bloat

What is global food shortage?

Food Shortage is when there is not enough food available for people to eat. If a food shortage persists it turns into a famine.

What is another word general shortage of food?

general shortage of food

What is the difference between drought and famine?

1:Famine means a severe shortage of food (as through crop failure) resulting in violent hunger and starvation and death,while drought means a shortage of rainfall.

What is a lack of food?

It's when you are on a shortage of food, like when Ethiopia went to their shortage of food lack of food: hunger, famine

Was there a shortage of food and water during hurricane Katrina?

Yes, there was a severe shortage of food and water during Hurricane Katrina. Many residents were stranded without access to basic necessities for days due to flooding, power outages, and breakdowns in communication. Relief efforts were hindered by the scale and intensity of the disaster.

How do you use the word severe in a short sentence?

There is a severe shortage of gas.Murder is a very severe crime.There will be a severe rise in temperature.

Effect from shortage rice?

Food shortage and a possible famine in the area.

What is food shortage?

Food shortage occurs when there is a lack of sufficient food to meet the demand of a population. This can be caused by various factors such as natural disasters, conflict, economic instability, or transportation issues. Food shortages can lead to malnutrition, hunger, and other serious health problems.