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White matter

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A group of myelinated fibers may form a region of nerve tissue called a white matter tract. White matter in the central nervous system consists of myelinated nerve fibers that transmit information between different parts of the brain and spinal cord.

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Q: A group of myelinated fiber may form a region of nerve tissue called?
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Would conduction speed of a nerve fiber be the fastest in a large or small myelinated fiber?

The conduction speed of a nerve fiber is fastest in large myelinated fibers. This is because myelin acts as an insulator, allowing for faster propagation of the action potential by saltatory conduction in large fibers compared to small unmyelinated fibers.

What is non-myelinated nerve fiber?

Non-myelinated nerve fibers are nerve fibers that lack a protective myelin sheath, a fatty covering that helps speed up the transmission of nerve impulses. These fibers are slower at conducting nerve signals compared to myelinated fibers and are found in structures like pain receptors and autonomic nervous system fibers.

The speed of nerve impulse transmission through the axon of a sensory neuron will be quickest in?

I'm guessing; "myelinated nerve fibres" contrary to the much slower "non-myelinated nerve fibres"

What does it mean to have a myelinated nerve fiber layer on your eye?

Having a myelinated nerve fiber layer in the eye means that the nerve fibers in that area are covered by a protective sheath called myelin. This condition can affect vision by causing shadows or patches in the visual field due to the abnormal reflection of light by the myelin. It is typically a benign condition but can rarely be associated with other eye problems.

What type of fiber makes up the corpus callosum?

The corpus callosum is composed of white matter, specifically myelinated nerve fibers. These fibers are axons that belong to different neurons and enable communication between the two cerebral hemispheres of the brain. They facilitate the transfer of information and coordination between the left and right sides of the brain.

Related questions

Does an unmyelinated fiber conduct impulses faster than a myelinated fiber?


What is the difference in transmission between myelinated and unmyelinated fibers?

Impulse transmission on an unmyelinated nerve fiber is much slower than the impulse transmission on a myelinated nerve fiber.

Would conduction speed of a nerve fiber be the fastest in a large or small myelinated fiber?

The conduction speed of a nerve fiber is fastest in large myelinated fibers. This is because myelin acts as an insulator, allowing for faster propagation of the action potential by saltatory conduction in large fibers compared to small unmyelinated fibers.

What is the term for a Smaller fiber in a muscle fiber?

The smaller fiber in a muscle fiber is called a myofibril. A band of tissue that connects bone to bone is called a ligament.

What is non-myelinated nerve fiber?

Non-myelinated nerve fibers are nerve fibers that lack a protective myelin sheath, a fatty covering that helps speed up the transmission of nerve impulses. These fibers are slower at conducting nerve signals compared to myelinated fibers and are found in structures like pain receptors and autonomic nervous system fibers.

The speed of nerve impulse transmission through the axon of a sensory neuron will be quickest in?

I'm guessing; "myelinated nerve fibres" contrary to the much slower "non-myelinated nerve fibres"

What is the connective tissue covering called that encloses the sarcolemma of an individual muscle fiber?

The connective tissue covering that encloses the sarcolemma of an individual muscle fiber is called endomysium. It surrounds each muscle fiber and provides support and protection to the muscle cells.

Which nerve fiber do impulses travel slowly?

Unmyelinated nerve fibers conduct impulses more slowly than myelinated nerve fibers. Myelinated nerve fibers have a fatty substance called myelin sheath that allows for faster transmission of impulses compared to unmyelinated fibers without this sheath.

Each muscle fiber has a sleeve of connective tissue around it called?


What does it mean to have a myelinated nerve fiber layer on your eye?

Having a myelinated nerve fiber layer in the eye means that the nerve fibers in that area are covered by a protective sheath called myelin. This condition can affect vision by causing shadows or patches in the visual field due to the abnormal reflection of light by the myelin. It is typically a benign condition but can rarely be associated with other eye problems.

What is the neurilemma and what is it function?

the plasma membrane surrounding a Schwann cell of a myelinated nerve fiber and separating layers of myelin

What is the connective tissue layer called that is around the muscle fibers?

Muscle fiber is another name for muscle cell. And each one is wrapped in connective tissue that is called endomysium.