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He lives along the equator. Only for areas close to the equator are the day lengths consistent.

Some possible locations along the equator; South America (Ecuador, Columbia and Brazil), Africa (Gabon, Congo, and Kenya), and Indonesia.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Your friend likely lives near the equator because regions close to the equator typically experience almost 12 hours of daylight year-round due to the Earth's tilt. This balanced daylight is a characteristic of equatorial regions.

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Q: A friend lives where there are 12 hours of daylight every day where does this person live and how do you know?
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How many hours of daylight does the equator get at 180 degrees west a day?

At the equator, each day has approximately 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness regardless of the specific longitude. The length of daylight hours stays relatively consistent due to the Earth's axial tilt and rotation.

What year did daylight hours change?

except for the equator, every year

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The daylight hours in the UK vary throughout the year due to the tilt of Earth's axis and its orbit around the Sun. This causes the angle at which sunlight hits the UK to change, affecting the length of daylight hours. This phenomenon results in longer daylight hours in the summer and shorter daylight hours in the winter.

What has 12 hours of daylight each day?

No place on Earth has 12 hours of daylight each and every day. Or, for that matter, on the Moon either, or on any known body in the Solar System..

How many hours of darkness in 1 year?

It depends on where you are Not Really, If you live on the Equator, Every 24 hour period has 12 hours of daylight, and twelve hours of darkness. For every one else, there are only two 24 hour periods during the year When daylight hours equal night hours. These two days are the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox. (Equinox means equal). If you account for the differences in the number of daylight and dark hours in a 24 hour period, over an entire year, the average is 4380 hours each for daylight and darkness.

How many hours daylight Indonesia?

Well, Indonesia is a tropical country. So, Sun shines every single day. And it's constant. Indonesia's got normally 12 hours daylight.

What are the daylight hours of Saturn vs earths daylight hours?

11 hours

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in the area where trees are not there

How many hours of daylight are there in Barcelona?

I think there is around 18 hours of daylight!

When was A Guide for the Daylight Hours created?

A Guide for the Daylight Hours was created in 2002.

What are the hours of daylight in winter and summer in Seattle?

During and around the winter solstice, Washington DC sees approximately 9.5 hours of sunlight every day. During and around the summer solstice, the city enjoys around 16 hours of daylight every day.

Does the equator always have the most hours of daylight?

No, along the equator, every day of the year has 12.1 hours of daylight. That is more than in the hemisphere where it's fall or winter but less than in the hemisphere where it's spring or summer.