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Q: A farmer is planting a straight row of crops with 3 feet between each plant. If 23 are planted what is the distance between the first and last plant?
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What is the ideal spacing or planting distance of rubber planting?

The ideal spacing for rubber planting is typically around 20 feet (6 meters) between trees in the row and 25 feet (7.5 meters) between rows. This allows sufficient space for the rubber trees to grow and develop their canopy without overcrowding or competition for resources. Adjustments may be made based on soil fertility, climate conditions, and variety of rubber planted.

What are examples of direct planting and indirect planting?

Direct planting-seeds planted directly to the plot or gardenExample of seeds planted directly:Ampalaya, upo ,squash,corn, papaya, radish,carrots, sayote ,okra,peanut, soy beans, cucumberIndirect planting-seeds grow first in the seed boxes or seed trayExamples of seeds planted indirectly:Tomato, Lettuce, Cauliflower,pechay, pepper, rice,chilli, eggplant, cabbages

A farmer is planting a straight row of crops with 3 feet between each plant If 23 are planted what is the distance between the first and last plant?

To find the distance between the first and last plant, you need to calculate the total spacing between all plants and then add the length of one plant. There are 23-1=22 spacings between the 23 plants. Each spacing is 3 feet, so the total spacing is 22*3 = 66 feet. Adding the length of one plant (3 feet), the distance between the first and last plant is 66 + 3 = 69 feet.

When can you plant peonies?

Peonies are best planted in the fall, allowing time for the roots to establish before winter. They can also be planted in the early spring, as soon as the ground is workable. Avoid planting during extreme heat or when the ground is frozen.

What is the month to plant lemon balm?

Lemon Balm should be planted 6-8 weeks before the last spring frost in your planting zone. This could be as early as early March, but check your planting zone for the exact timing of planting it.

Related questions

What are the verb tenses of plant?

planting planted planting

Is planted a verb?

"Planted" is a verb. It's the past tense of "plant."

What is the ideal spacing or planting distance of rubber planting?

The ideal spacing for rubber planting is typically around 20 feet (6 meters) between trees in the row and 25 feet (7.5 meters) between rows. This allows sufficient space for the rubber trees to grow and develop their canopy without overcrowding or competition for resources. Adjustments may be made based on soil fertility, climate conditions, and variety of rubber planted.

What is the season of planting?

JULY,AUGUST are the rainy seasons in which bajra is planted

What is the future tense of planting?

The future tense is will plant.

Can inpatients be planted April 22 in Ohio?

Planting inpatients is a crime no matter what month.

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What are some examples of indirect and planting?

Direct planting-seeds planted directly to the plot or gardenExample of seeds planted directly:Ampalaya, upo ,squash,corn, papaya, radish,carrots, sayote ,okra,peanut, soy beans, cucumberIndirect planting-seeds grow first in the seed boxes or seed trayExamples of seeds planted indirectly:Tomato, Lettuce, Cauliflower,pechay, pepper, rice,chilli, eggplant, cabbages

Are oak trees planted for plantation?

Planted before the house was constructed in 1837, this formal planting is a historic landscape design long recognized for its beauty.

What planting zone is best for a hardy hiscibus?

A Hibiscus can actually really be planted anywhere, but for best results try planting it in a spot of moist sandy loam.

How many trees are planted each year in the U.S.?

It is estimated that between 1.6 billion and 2.6 billion trees are planted in the U.S. each year through commercial forestry practices, reforestation efforts, and urban tree planting initiatives.

What are some examples of indirect and direct planting?

Direct planting-seeds planted directly to the plot or gardenExample of seeds planted directly:Ampalaya, upo ,squash,corn, papaya, radish,carrots, sayote ,okra,peanut, soy beans, cucumberIndirect planting-seeds grow first in the seed boxes or seed trayExamples of seeds planted indirectly:Tomato, Lettuce, Cauliflower,pechay, pepper, rice,chilli, eggplant, cabbages