Not necessarily. While diamonds are the hardest known natural material and can scratch glass, there are other crystals like corundum (sapphires and rubies) and silicon carbide (moissanite) that can also scratch glass but are not diamonds. Additional tests are needed to confirm if a crystal is indeed a diamond.
"Krystal" has two meanings, and you can choose the one that suits you. It could mean "crystal", the fine-quality glass. Or it could be a diminutive of "Christina", meaning "belonging to Christ".
One large heart diamond beneath a small heart diamond means "Love is forever"
If you mean the elements in the Periodic Table it is carbon. If your talking about in general, diamond is by far the strongest element known to human.
In some cultures, it is believed that breaking glass is a sign of bad luck or the presence of negative energy. However, in a practical sense, glass breaking could simply be a result of accidents or faulty materials.
Certain substances will split a ray of light into two slightly different paths by polarisation. If a crystal transmits light without splitting it in this way when the light is incident on the crystal in only one direction then the crystal is said to be uniaxial. If light is transmitted when it is incident in either of two directions then the crystal is said to be biaxial. Please see the links.
cristal in puerto rico means glass or crystal
Hum, not sure what you mean by Blue Crystal. Elaborate on my message board. k
Giratina (from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) isn't in Pokemon Gold, Silver or Crystal. But if you mean Pokemon Platinum (the sequel to Diamond and Pearl), then yes. However Pokemon Platinum hasn't been released yet.
To show sexy apperince ----------- Waterford Crystal is a company that makes luxury glassware products, including some that are cut crystal glass. Please see the link.
If you mean as a raw material then it is white and kinda yellowish.If you mean not raw it is like a mirror white(these are the ones on the rings)
From the English word, Crystal means "clear, colorless glass" sometimes cut into the shape of a gemstone. The English word is derived from the Greek word 'krystallos' which means "ice".
I think you mean Kristallnacht. Crystal night. A particular night in Nazi Germany where most Jewish owned businesses had their windows smashed.
If you mean Crystal Palace, it was designed by Joseph Paxton for the Great Exhibition.
The simile is usually stated "crystal clear". Crystal is fine glassware, very clear and sparkling. Thus, when something is "crystal clear", it would be like seeing something through the clear glass of crystal.
Not sure what you mean by break pattern but diamond will cleave relatively easily with what is described as perfect cleavage in 4 directions. Which means it break relatively easily parallel to its crystal faces. Diamond cutters often take advantage of this property.
Well a musher (driver of dog sled) scratches like in The Iditarod he/she drops out.
he drops out