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(For Apex Learning) Mixed economy.

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Demetris Boehm

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Capitalist economy

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Q: A country in which some business are owned by individuals and other business are owned by the government has a?
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Who regulates limited companies?

Limited companies are regulated by the government agency responsible for business registrations in a particular country. This could be the Companies House in the UK, the Securities and Exchange Commission in the USA, or similar agencies in other countries. Additionally, limited companies must adhere to laws and regulations set by the government to ensure transparency, accountability, and compliance with business practices.

Types of staffs in a global organization?

In a global organization, you may find various types of staff such as expatriates who work in a foreign country, local staff who are based in the country of operation, and third-country nationals who are individuals from a country other than where the organization is headquartered or where they are working. Each type of staff brings unique perspectives and experiences to the organization.

Who protects a country?

A country is protected by its military forces, law enforcement agencies, and sometimes by alliances with other countries. The government also plays a role in creating and enforcing laws to maintain stability and security within its borders.

Who receives letters from America?

Letters from America are typically addressed to individuals, businesses, organizations, or government entities located in other countries. The recipients could include family members, friends, clients, partners, government officials, or anyone with a mailing address outside of the United States.

Different btn privatalisation and commercelisation?

Privatization refers to the transfer of ownership and control of a government-run or publicly-owned entity to private individuals or companies. Commercialization, on the other hand, involves the introduction of market principles and practices, such as advertising and profit-making, into a previously non-commercial sector. In essence, privatization focuses on ownership transfer, while commercialization focuses on making an entity operate more like a business.

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A country in which some businesses are owned by individuals and other businesses are owned by the government has a?

(For Apex Learning) Mixed economy.

Government and business relationship in India?

In most cases in India, government is a tool of business. India's central government is self-described as "sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic." However, the Indian government has more control and power over business practices than other democratic governments.

Are government corporations considered business?

The government corporations are considered to bring benefits for all people in the country not in the term of profit or loss account, or it is the activities that private corporations don't want to deal with. In the other words government corporation expend from tax but business unit from liability.

Are government corporation considered business why?

The government corporations are considered to bring benefits for all people in the country not in the term of profit or loss account, or it is the activities that private corporations don't want to deal with. In the other words government corporation expend from tax but business unit from liability.

What are the disadvantage and advantage of having a government in a country?

The advantage of a federal form of government is the fact that there is a governing body overseeing what goes on in the country. On the other hand, this means that the states are told what to do by a national power, which can also have negatives.?æ

A country has a command economy. Which of the following statements applies to it?

The government owns and controls all major industries-apex

How does a corporation differ from other types of businesses?

Corporation= A business made by the gov. Business= A job made by individuals.

What is the difference between legal refugees and illegal refugees?

Legal refugees are individuals who have been granted refugee status by a government or international organization and have the legal right to reside in a certain country. Illegal refugees, on the other hand, are individuals who enter a country without authorization or proper documentation and do not have legal permission to stay.

How does the government mould and build the country?

The government doesn't mold a country, but the people do within the country. Governments are instituted to serve the people not the other way around. A government is only as good as its citizens.

How do individuals participate in government nationally and locally?

Individuals can participate in government by voting, running for public office, joining a political party, communicating with government officials (petition), and volunteering at voting polls or any other place in your community.

Why are government corporations not considered businesses?

The government corporations are considered to bring benefits for all people in the country not in the term of profit or loss account, or it is the activities that private corporations don't want to deal with. In the other words government corporation expend from tax but business unit from liability.

What terms means the reduction of government control over business and other activities?

Deregulation of business refers to a reduction of government. With more control over, government has less involvement in businesses, which is why it is considered to be a smaller government.