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1mo ago

Nimbus clouds usually produce precipitation. These clouds are typically dark and thick, such as nimbostratus and cumulonimbus clouds, which are associated with rain and thunderstorms.

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A cloud type that usually produces precipitation is?


What cloud produces any type of precipitation?

Any cloud, including clumlus.

What is nimbus?

A nimbus is a type of cloud that is dark and rain-bearing. It is often associated with stormy weather and precipitation. The term "nimbus" is commonly used to describe a specific type of cumulonimbus cloud that can produce thunderstorms.

What type of cloud usually produces precipitation?

Nimbus clouds are known for producing precipitation. These clouds are often dark and dense, and they can bring rain, snow, sleet, or hail depending on the atmospheric conditions.

Thunder clouds that produce precipitation are called clouds?

it depends if you are asking what type of cloud is it if it produces thunder and precipitation. if so then they are cumulonimbus clouds otherwise know as thunderheads.

What type of cloud is a nimbostratus cloud?

The nimbostratus cloud is a somewhat shapeless, widespread, low-sitting cloud which broadly distributes precipitation. The nimbostratus cloud is usually an indication of steady, consistent rainfall.

What determines what type of precipitation will fall from a Cumulonimbus cloud?

The type of precipitation that falls from a Cumulonimbus cloud is usually determined by the temperature of the air below the cloud. Rain will fall if the temperature is above freezing, while snow or hail will fall if the temperature is below freezing. Other factors like atmospheric pressure and humidity can also influence the type of precipitation.

A thunderstorm produces precipitation in form of ice particles that would be about 6 millimeters what type of precipitation would it be?

the type of percipitation it would be cloud seeding

Which cloud type could not produce precipitation?


What type of cloud would you expect to be in some form of precipitation?

A big. Cloud or condensation

What types of clouds make rain?

Nimbostratus and cumulonimbus clouds are associated with rainfall. Nimbostratus clouds are thick and gray, causing steady rain showers. Cumulonimbus clouds are large, dense, and can lead to intense, localized rain showers or thunderstorms.

When a prefix nimbo is attached to another cloud type what does that mean?

When the prefix "nimbo" is attached to another cloud type, it indicates that the cloud is producing precipitation. For example, nimbostratus clouds typically bring steady, widespread precipitation.