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Hello, I just came across your question while searching Google for the reason for a brown spot in a blue eye. I have blue eyes myself, except for a single brown spot in the blue in my right eye. Here is what I found on the subject,

""Nearly all Caucasian infants have blue eyes. This is mainly due to the fact that there are very few "melancholics", or pigment cells, in the iris. And those melancholics that are present contain very little pigment. In black and brown races the iris stoma is more dense and the melancholics contain more pigment, giving rise to a blue-gray appearance.

In all races, the pigment cells multiply as the child grows but if the cells contain little to no pigment the eye will stay relatively blue. So, in reality, there are no REAL blue-eyed people, just those that failed to develop brown pigmented melancholics! Most of you with light-colored eyes have probably noticed a "spot" or two of brown on your eyes. These are clumps of melancholics that happen to contain more pigment. These may be called "nevi" or just plain "freckles". They are not unlike those spots on your skin that you call freckles; just a clump of more highly pigmented melancholics."

Barry Shell.l

I hope this is what you are looking for =)


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1mo ago

If both parents have brown eyes, they must be homozygous for brown eye color (genotype: BB). The child, being heterozygous, must have one allele for blue eyes (genotype: Bb) from one of the parents. The other allele must be a brown eye allele inherited from the other parent.

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12y ago

blue or green, it depends. Look at the similar questions.

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15y ago

The child can have whatever eyec olour, however the child of 2 blue eyed parents can ONLY have blue eyes.

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Q: A child has blue eyes both parents have brown eyes the child is heterozygotes for eye color?
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Does 2 brown haired parents make a brunette child?

Not necessarily. Hair color is determined by multiple genes inherited from both parents, so it is possible for two brown-haired parents to have a child with a different hair color, such as blonde or red. It depends on the specific combination of genes that the child inherits.

Can a child get brown eyes if parents' eyes are hazel?

Yes, it is possible for a child to have brown eyes if their parents' eyes are hazel. Hazel eyes are a combination of brown and green eye pigments, so if the child inherits the brown pigment from both parents, they would likely have brown eyes. Eye color is determined by a combination of genetic factors from both parents.

Do blondes have to have blonde parents?

No, blondes do not necessarily have to have blonde parents. Hair color is determined by a combination of genetics from both parents, and it is possible for a child to have a different hair color than either of their parents.

Can both parents with blue eyes have a child with brown eyes?

Yes, it is possible for two parents with blue eyes to have a child with brown eyes if both parents are carriers of the gene for brown eyes. Eye color is determined by multiple genes, so the inheritance of eye color can be complex.

Can a blue eyed male with both his parents having blue eyes marries a brown eyed female with her mother having blue eyes and her father having brown eyes could they have a brown eyed child?

Yes, it is possible for a blue-eyed male and a brown-eyed female to have a brown-eyed child. Eye color is a polygenic trait, meaning it is influenced by multiple genes. Both parents can carry genes for brown eyes, and if those genes are passed on to the child, they can have brown eyes even if neither parent has brown eyes.

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Sort of. Your eye color is controlled by your genes, and your genes come from your parents BUT for instance; both brown eyed parents could carry a recesive blue gene and both could have passed it on to the child ... yes, the color came from the parents, but neither parent seems to have it.

Does 2 brown haired parents make a brunette child?

Not necessarily. Hair color is determined by multiple genes inherited from both parents, so it is possible for two brown-haired parents to have a child with a different hair color, such as blonde or red. It depends on the specific combination of genes that the child inherits.

Can a child get brown eyes if parents' eyes are hazel?

Yes, it is possible for a child to have brown eyes if their parents' eyes are hazel. Hazel eyes are a combination of brown and green eye pigments, so if the child inherits the brown pigment from both parents, they would likely have brown eyes. Eye color is determined by a combination of genetic factors from both parents.

Can a child have blue eyes if both parents have brown?

98.5% of the time they have the color of the parent that has the dominate color, not the resessive unless they both have a resessive color.

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Yes, it is possible for two parents with hazel eyes to have a child with brown eyes. Eye color is influenced by multiple genes from both parents, so there is a possibility for different combinations to occur in their offspring.

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