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A block of mass M is pulled with a rope on a frictionless surface If a force P is applied at the free end of the rope what will be the force exerted by the rope on the block if the mass of rope is m?

Equation#1: Force = mass * acceleration

The force P pulls a total mass of (M + m) accelerating both masses at the same rate.

Equation #2: P = (M + m) * a

Equation #3: a = P ÷ (M + m)

At the point where the rope is attached to the block, the block of mass M feels a force making it accelerate at a rate of a = P ÷ (M + m).

The force required to make at block of mass M accelerate at a rate of a = P ÷ (M + m) can be determined by equation #4.

Equation #4: F of block = mass of block * [P ÷ (M + m)].

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The force exerted by the rope on the block will be equal to the applied force P. This is due to the fact that the rope is assumed to be ideal and massless, transmitting the force applied at one end without any loss. Therefore, the force exerted by the rope on the block will be equal to the force applied by the person pulling the rope.

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Q: A block of mass M is pulled with a rope on a frictionless surface If a force P is applied at the free end of the rope what will be the force exerted by the rope on the block if the mass of rope is m?
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Why are rocks frequently pulled under the surface of the earth?

The rocks are frequently pulled under the surface because, Due to the movements in the crust.

Is moving a loaded cart a push or pull force?

It can be either. Horse-drawn carts are virtually all pulled. Library and shopping carts are pushed. However, any pulling or pushing force that is exerted includes a pushing force against the ground (i.e. friction).

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Mercury forms a spherical shape due to its high surface tension, which causes the liquid to minimize its surface area, creating a spherical droplet. Water molecules have less cohesive forces compared to mercury, leading to a less rounded shape due to gravity and surface tension effects.

How do boats not sink if there is a gravitational pull?

Boats float because of buoyancy, which is an upward force exerted by a fluid that counteracts the weight of an object in the fluid. This allows boats to displace enough water to stay afloat despite the gravitational pull. Additionally, the shape of the boat hull and its design help distribute weight and provide stability.

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molecules at the surface have fewer neighboring molecules to interact with, resulting in stronger attractive forces between them. This leads to surface tension, which allows insects to walk on water and creates a curved surface in a glass of water.

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