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Q: 4 types of diffusion geography
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How does geography and diffusion influence the past and continue to shape the future?

Geography and diffusion has influenced the past and is still shaping the future in many ways. Diffusion is one of the main drivers for cultural change, while geography shapes and reshape the form and function of regions.

What are the types of cultural diffusion?

contagious diffusion, relocation diffusion, expansion diffusion, stimulus diffusion, hierarchical diffusion.

What are the 3 types of diffusion?

simple diffusion, osmosis and facilitated diffusion.

What are the types of diffusions?

In Biology there are three types of diffusion. There are simple, channel, and facilitated diffusion.

What is normatic diffusion in human resource management industries?

I think someone meant to say "nomadic" diffusion which is part of the Law of Diffusion and innovation in anthropology and geography.

What types of diffusion?

All types of molecules

What are 3 types of passive trasport?

Diffusion, Osmosis, and facilitated diffusion.

How was the geography of Greece a barrier to the people?

They hindered Cultural Diffusion because they were like a blockade.

What type are osmosis and diffusion?

diffusion and osmosis are types of ways to get materials into or out of a cell

What types of transport mechanisms through the cell membrane are passive?

Passive transport mechanisms through the cell membrane include simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis. These processes do not require energy input from the cell.

What are the types of movement through a membrane?

Osmosis, diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport

What are the types of geography?

>>Physical Geography (about the land forms on the planet)...^_^ >>Human Geography (focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape human interaction with the environment)...^_^