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Q: 3 reasons why iodine is a highly reactive metal?
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Is iodine an alkali metal?

No, iodine is not an alkali metal. Iodine is classified as a halogen, a group of elements that are highly reactive nonmetals. Alkali metals are a separate group of elements that include lithium, sodium, and potassium.

What is a highly reactive metal?

the highly reactive metal is potassium

Iodine is a highly reactive blank metal gas?

Iodine is not a metal, and not a gas. It is a representative element in Group 7A of the Periodic table of elements. This group is called the halogen group. Iodine is reactive because it wants to gain one more electron in order to fill its valence shell.As far as properties of elements go, "metal-like" properties of elements increase as you go down a group. Iodine is not a metal but is more metal-like than the halides above it in its group ( it is a liquid, they are a gas. Liquid is closer to metal than gas is.)

What is francium periodate formula?

The formula for francium periodate is FrIO4. Francium is a highly reactive alkali metal, while periodate is an ion composed of iodine and oxygen.

What is an reactive nonmetal?

A reactive non metal is an element that can gain the electrons or is more electronegative

Is potassium more reactive than iodine?

Yes, potassium is more reactive than iodine. Potassium is a highly reactive alkali metal, while iodine is a nonmetal that is less reactive. Potassium reacts vigorously with water and air, while iodine is less reactive under normal conditions.

What Nonmetal that is highly reactive with a metal?

Chlorine is a nonmetal that is highly reactive with metals. It can form salts with metals through a chemical reaction known as metal chlorides.

Is sodium salt or metal?

Sodium is a metal. It is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal that is commonly found in salt form as sodium chloride (table salt).

Is iodine a noble gas?

No, iodine is not a noble gas. Iodine belongs to the halogen group in the periodic table, which contains elements that are highly reactive. Noble gases are a separate group of elements that are inert and do not readily combine with other elements.

Is the non metal iodine strongly reactive?

No, iodine is not strongly reactive. It is a nonmetal and has a relatively low reactivity compared to metals. Iodine tends to form compounds with other elements rather than undergoing rapid reactions on its own.

Is chlorine a non-reactive metal?

NO!!! Chlorine is a highly reactive poisonous green gas.

What is the difference between sodium and aluminum'?

Sodium is a highly reactive alkali metal whereas aluminium is a less reactive metal in the boron group.