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Q: 2. Each enzyme produced by the body is specific and mdashmeaning it is only able to catalyze a reaction with a certain substrate. What causes an enzyme to be specific?
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What is an enzyme product complex?

An enzyme-substrate complex is formed when an enzyme binds to its substrate molecules. This temporary complex allows the enzyme to catalyze a specific chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur. Once the reaction is complete, the products are released and the enzyme is free to catalyze another reaction.

When a substrate fits into an active site of an enzyme what is formed?

When a substrate fits into the active site of an enzyme, an enzyme-substrate complex is formed. This complex allows for the enzyme to catalyze a specific chemical reaction on the substrate.

How does an enzymes active site relate to its substrate?

An enzyme's active site is where the substrate binds and undergoes a chemical reaction. The active site has a specific shape that complements the substrate's shape, allowing for a precise fit. This interaction facilitates the enzyme to catalyze the chemical reaction efficiently.

The binding together of an enzyme and a substrate forms a?

The binding together of an enzyme and a substrate forms an enzyme-substrate complex. This complex allows the enzyme to catalyze a specific reaction on the substrate molecule.

What happens after a substrate binds to an enzyme?

When a substrate binds to an enzyme, they form an enzyme-substrate complex. This binding lowers the activation energy required for the reaction to occur, making it easier for the reaction to proceed. Once the reaction is complete, the products are released and the enzyme is free to catalyze another reaction.

Is oxygen a substrate?

No, oxygen is not considered a substrate. In biological terms, a substrate is the molecule upon which an enzyme acts to catalyze a chemical reaction. Oxygen is often a reactant in biochemical reactions, such as cellular respiration where it serves as the final electron acceptor.

This kind of ion may serve as a cofactor to catalyze a reaction?

Metal ions such as zinc, magnesium, and iron are common cofactors that help enzymes catalyze reactions. These ions can interact with the enzyme's active site or substrate to facilitate the conversion of the substrate into a product. The presence of metal ions can stabilize reaction intermediates, lower activation energy, and enhance the catalytic efficiency of enzymes.

What is it called when and enzyme and substrate come together?

When an enzyme and substrate come together, it is called the enzyme-substrate complex. This complex is a temporary intermediate state in which the enzyme binds to the substrate to catalyze a chemical reaction.

What happens to the enzymes after the substrate reacts?

After the substrate reacts, the enzyme remains unchanged and is free to catalyze more reactions. Enzymes are not consumed or altered during the reaction process, allowing them to be used repeatedly.

Region where enzyme and subtrate bind?

The active site is the region where the enzyme and substrate bind together. It is a specific location on the enzyme where the substrate molecules can fit and undergo a chemical reaction. The active site is crucial for the enzyme to catalyze the reaction efficiently.

Example of active site?

An example of an active site is the binding pocket in an enzyme where a substrate molecule can bind and undergo a chemical reaction. This active site has specific amino acid residues that interact with the substrate, allowing the enzyme to catalyze the reaction.

What affects enzymatic speed?

Enzymatic speed can be affected by factors such as temperature, pH, substrate concentration, enzyme concentration, and the presence of inhibitors or activators. These factors can alter the enzyme's ability to bind to the substrate and catalyze the reaction.