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an animal that will soon be extinct, very low in numbers

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To take an endangered species means to capture, hunt, or harm a species that is at risk of extinction. This action can further endanger the species and disrupt the ecosystem balance. It is illegal and unethical to take endangered species.

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Do invasive species benefit or harm the local ecosystem?

sometimes introduced species are not invasive and they can benefit us in various ways 1. Making the Eco-system proper ex. there aree some poisonous plants, so the species may be its predator. 2. It might become a prey of a endangered species write back if you want more

How do you protect an endangered species?

Some ways to protect an endangered species include implementing laws and regulations to prevent hunting or habitat destruction, establishing protected areas where the species can thrive, conducting research to better understand the species' needs, and collaborating with local communities to promote conservation efforts.

How long does it take for one third cup of water to evaporate each day?

If you mean, when will the entire cup evaporate, you are supposed to divide 1 by 1/3.

What are relationship between ecosystem diversity and species diversity?

Genetic Diversity: 1. It is related to number of genes and their alleles found in organisms. 2. It is trait of the species. 3. It influences adaptability and distribution of a species in diverse habitats. Species Diversity: 1. It is related to number and distribution of species found in an area. 2. It is trait of the community. 3. It influences biotic interactions and stability of the community.

How many cells are in a crocodile?

There Are About 4642 Left In The Wild, Most Either Get Killed By Humans For The Long Spiky Skins, And For The Teeth, As A What Ever You Call It, Or They Get Captured And Put Into Zoo's For Entertainment. I Think It's Cruel As So Many Are Going, So I Reckon About 73% Of Crocodiles Are Here Still. :) Hope I Helped.NEW EDITIt depends on the species. There are 13 living species. 5 are of least concern, 5 are endangered, 1 is vulnerable, and 2 don't have much information. (ICUN Red List) The kinds that are endangered are now illegal to kill, but they continue to suffer from poaching and habitat loss. Three prehistoric species of crocodile are extinct as well.

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What Arctic species are endangered?

1.Polar bears2.Fur seals== ==

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I don't know but I can tell you that the water-holding frog isn't 1 of those species endangered. Scientists have researched and gone in to more detail about them but they are no threat to be endangered.

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Endangered does not mean extinct.Extinct means all specimens of that species are gone.Endangered means that the species is in danger of extinction.