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The 1952 Dodge truck line used a 6 volt electical system with a generator.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

The 1952 Dodge truck most likely came with a 6-volt electrical system as that was common during that era. However, some trucks may have been converted to 12-volt systems later on for better performance and reliability. It's best to check the vehicle's current setup to be sure.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

6 volt

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Q: 1952 dodge truck is it a 12 volt system or 6 volt system?
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6 volt positive ground is the answer!!!!!!!!

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The "bus" is the system the computers use to communicate. You will need a scan tool, volt/ohm meter, and wiring diagrams to diagnose. Any of the computers on the truck or the wiring in between could be the cause of the lack of communication.The "bus" is the system the computers use to communicate. You will need a scan tool, volt/ohm meter, and wiring diagrams to diagnose. Any of the computers on the truck or the wiring in between could be the cause of the lack of communication.

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Yes, you can use a voltage step-down converter to connect the 12-volt GPS to the 24-volt truck system. You can find these converters at most automotive stores or online. Simply connect the converter to the truck's 24-volt system and then plug the GPS into the converter.

What Voltage is expected for a 1998 dodge ram?

== == It is a 12 volt system. The alternator should put out 13.5 to 14.5 volts with the engine running.== == It is a 12 volt system. The alternator should put out 13.5 to 14.5 volts with the engine running.

Can you jump a 24 volt system with a 12 volt system?
