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It has the little boy blue effect on the plant process and copycats the nitrogen g5. The animal gets the air and the plan gets the waste. :)

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In photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide (CO2) and sunlight to produce oxygen and glucose. This process benefits both plants and animals by releasing oxygen into the atmosphere, which animals require for respiration. In turn, animals produce CO2 during respiration, which plants can then use for photosynthesis, creating a symbiotic relationship between the two.

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Q: 15 Describe the relationship between CO2 and oxygen in the process of photosynthesis How does this benefit both plants and animals?
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How does man benefit from photosynthesis in plants?

Humans benefit from photosynthesis in plants by relying on them for oxygen production. The oxygen released during photosynthesis is essential for humans and other animals to breathe. Additionally, photosynthesis is the primary source of energy for plants, which are then consumed by humans as food.

Could plants and animals live without each other?

Plants and animals have a dependent relationship as they rely on each other for survival. Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis which animals require for respiration, and animals provide carbon dioxide which plants need for photosynthesis. Additionally, animals feed on plants for nutrients and energy, while plants benefit from animals through pollination and seed dispersal. Without this interconnected relationship, both plants and animals would struggle to survive.

How do people benefit from photosynthesis?

People benefit from photosynthesis because it is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy and produce oxygen as a byproduct. This oxygen is essential for humans to breathe, while the energy produced by photosynthesis is consumed by plants and passed on to animals that eat plants, forming the basis of the food chain.

How does photosynthesis benefit Hererotrophs?

They cannot synthesize own food. photosynthesis gives food for them

How do animals benefit from a plant's method of storing sugar?

For plant-eating animals the benefit is that they can get to the sugar the plant has stored.

Related questions

What do animals benefit from photosunthesis?

Animals do not directly benefit from photosynthesis, as they are not able to carry out this process themselves. However, they indirectly benefit from it through the oxygen produced as a byproduct, which they need for respiration. Additionally, animals obtain energy and nutrients by consuming plants or other animals that have gained energy through photosynthesis.

What mutualistic relationship between animals?

Both benefit

What is the scientific term for when two animals benefit from each other?

Mutualism is the scientific term for a relationship in which two animals benefit from each other. This type of symbiotic relationship is mutually beneficial for both species involved.

How does man benefit from photosynthesis in plants?

Humans benefit from photosynthesis in plants by relying on them for oxygen production. The oxygen released during photosynthesis is essential for humans and other animals to breathe. Additionally, photosynthesis is the primary source of energy for plants, which are then consumed by humans as food.

What type of relationship do Nomeous fish and man o war jellyfish have?

They have a relationship known as mutualism. Both animals benefit from the relationship and neither is harmed.

Could plants and animals live without each other?

Plants and animals have a dependent relationship as they rely on each other for survival. Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis which animals require for respiration, and animals provide carbon dioxide which plants need for photosynthesis. Additionally, animals feed on plants for nutrients and energy, while plants benefit from animals through pollination and seed dispersal. Without this interconnected relationship, both plants and animals would struggle to survive.

What is the relationship between a lichens fungi and algae?

Algae performs photosynthesis to make food for both of them. Fungi absorbs nutrients for both of them. mutualism (both benefit).

How does tropism benefit plants?

This is by photosynthesis

What is the mutualistic relationship between animals and digestive bacteria?

The animals need the bacteria to help break down the food. The bacteria benefit since they get food, while we benefit since the bacteria help us digest our food.

In which relationship do both species benefit?

Mutualism is a type of symbiotic relationship that benefits both species involved. In this relationship, both species gain benefits from each other, such as food, protection, or support.

What term describe the ecological relationship between deer and grass?

The deer eat the grass. The grass gets no benefit from the deer. This is called commensalism.

How do people benefit from photosynthesis?

People benefit from photosynthesis because it is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy and produce oxygen as a byproduct. This oxygen is essential for humans to breathe, while the energy produced by photosynthesis is consumed by plants and passed on to animals that eat plants, forming the basis of the food chain.