1 PM American CST = 1 PM MDT = 12 noon MST 1 PM American CDT = 12 noon MDT = 11 AM MST 1 PM Australian CST = 9:30 PM MDT = 8:30 PM MST (previous day) 1 PM Australian CDT = 8:30 PM MDT = 7:30 PM MST (previous day)
Mountain Time is two hours behind Eastern Time and one hour ahead of Pacific Time. Central Time is one hour behind Eastern Time and one hour ahead of Mountain Time. Mountain Time is typically used in states like Colorado and Arizona, while Central Time is used in states like Texas and Illinois.
2 AM Eastern = 12 midnight Mountain Time. There is a two hour time difference between the Eastern and Mountain time zones.
In the US Time Zones, Mountain Standard Time (MST) is west of Eastern Standard Time (EST), so its clocks are behind the Eastern time zone. MST is equal to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) minus 7 hours and EST is equal to GMT - 5. So there is a two hour difference with Eastern time ahead of Mountain Time. Example: If the time in Mountain Time is 11:00 am, the Eastern Time would be 1:00 pm.
In North America, 1330 Central Daylight Saving Time = 1330 Eastern Standard Time = 1430 Eastern Daylight Saving Time, and 1330 Central Standard Time = 1430 Eastern Standard Time = 1530 Eastern Daylight Saving Time. In Australia, 1330 Central Summer Time = 1300 Eastern Standard Time = 1400 Eastern Summer Time, and 1330 Central Standard Time = 1400 Eastern Standard Time = 1500 Eastern Summer Time.
I heard it was 12 midnite
there is a 4hour time difference so it will be 12 noon
Midnight Eastern Time is 9 PM Pacific Time. Eastern Time is 3 hours ahead of Pacific Time. The U.S. has four main time zones. From west to east, they are: Pacific Time, Mountain Time, Central Time, and Eastern Time. Each is one hour later than the last. For example, if it's 3 PM Pacific Time, then it's 4 PM Mountain Time, 5 PM Central Time, and 6 PM Eastern Time.
1 PM American CST = 1 PM MDT = 12 noon MST 1 PM American CDT = 12 noon MDT = 11 AM MST 1 PM Australian CST = 9:30 PM MDT = 8:30 PM MST (previous day) 1 PM Australian CDT = 8:30 PM MDT = 7:30 PM MST (previous day)
Mountain Time is two hours behind Eastern Time and one hour ahead of Pacific Time. Central Time is one hour behind Eastern Time and one hour ahead of Mountain Time. Mountain Time is typically used in states like Colorado and Arizona, while Central Time is used in states like Texas and Illinois.
2 AM Eastern = 12 midnight Mountain Time. There is a two hour time difference between the Eastern and Mountain time zones.
In the US Time Zones, Mountain Standard Time (MST) is west of Eastern Standard Time (EST), so its clocks are behind the Eastern time zone. MST is equal to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) minus 7 hours and EST is equal to GMT - 5. So there is a two hour difference with Eastern time ahead of Mountain Time. Example: If the time in Mountain Time is 11:00 am, the Eastern Time would be 1:00 pm.
In North America, 1330 Central Daylight Saving Time = 1330 Eastern Standard Time = 1430 Eastern Daylight Saving Time, and 1330 Central Standard Time = 1430 Eastern Standard Time = 1530 Eastern Daylight Saving Time. In Australia, 1330 Central Summer Time = 1300 Eastern Standard Time = 1400 Eastern Summer Time, and 1330 Central Standard Time = 1400 Eastern Standard Time = 1500 Eastern Summer Time.
It is one o'clock p.m. in New York City. Dallas is on Central Time, and New York City is on Eastern Time. The time zones in the U.S., from east to west, are as follows: Eastern Time, Central Time, Mountain Time, and Pacific Time. Pacific Time is one hour earlier than Mountain Time, Mountain Time is one hour earlier than Central Time, and Central Time is one hour earlier than Eastern Time. So, if it is 1 p.m. Eastern Time, then it's 12 p.m. Central Time, 11 a.m. Mountain Time, and 10 a.m. Pacific Time.
1200 American Eastern Standard Time = 1700 UTC 1200 Eastern Daylight Saving Time = 1600 UTC 1200 Eastern Greenland Time = 1300 UTC 1200 Eastern Greenland Summer Time = 1200 UTC 1200 Eastern European Time = 1000 UTC 1200 East Africa Time = 0900 UTC 1200 Eastern European Summer Time = 0900 UTC 1200 Further-Eastern European Time = 0900 UTC 1200 East Timor Time = 0300 UTC 1200 Eastern Indonesian Time = 0300 UTC 1200 Australian Eastern Standard Time = 0200 UTC 1200 Eastern Summer Time = 0100 UTC
It would be 2pm in Eastern Time. The four major U.S. time zones are arranged so that from east to west they are Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific. Eastern is the earliest, and each zone is one hour behind the one before it. So if it is 2pm in Eastern, it's 1pm Central, 12pm Mountain, and 11am Pacific.
England is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. US Eastern Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England. US Eastern is 5 hours behind England. (Daylight savings not taken into account.) If it is 2pm US Eastern, it is 7pm in England.