There are 50.19 gallons in 190 liters (USA measurement) There are 41.79 by U.K. measurements. Here's a handy website to convert liter to gallon.
This question cannot be answered sensibly. A litre is a measure of volume, with dimensions [L3]. A gram is a measure of mass, with dimensions [M]. Basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions such as these without additional information.
A simple mental exercise will demonstrate that a litre of air and a litre of water will have very different masses.
There are approximately 0.353 cubic feet in 10 liters.
50 L = 1,765 733 cubic foot 50 liters is 1.766 cubic feet
There are approximately 20.34 cubic feet in 576 liters.
There are approximately 2.89 cubic feet in 82 liters.
There are approximately 28.3168 liters in 1 cubic foot.
35.4312 cubic feet equals about 1,003.3 liters
527 liters = 18.61 cubic feet.
120 cubic feet equals 3398 liters.
445 liters = 15.72 cubic feet
7.7 cubic feet is about 218 (218.039719) liters.
90 cubic feet equals 2,548.5 liters.
0.0353 cubic feet.
500 liters equates to about 17.66 (17.6573334) cubic feet.
Approx 357 litres.
A liter is always a cubic measurement, so that adjective in unnecessary. 0.197 liters are 0.006956989344 cubic feet, no matter what you are measuring.
50 dry L = 1.77 cubic feet.