11 AM EDT is 8 AM PDT. The Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) is 3 hours behind Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
9 PM EDT is 6 PM PDT. There is a 3-hour time difference between Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
11 AM PDT is 2 PM EDT on the east coast.
If it is 0800am PDT, it would be 1100am EST. This is because Eastern Standard Time is 3 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time.
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) are 3 hours apart. When it is 12:00 pm in EDT, it is 9:00 am in PDT.
11 AM EDT is 8 AM PDT. The Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) is 3 hours behind Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Pacific Daylight Time is three hours behind Eastern Daylight Time. So if it is 11:30 a.m. PDT, then it is 2:30 p.m. EDT.
9 PM EDT is 6 PM PDT. There is a 3-hour time difference between Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
11 AM PDT is 2 PM EDT on the east coast.
If it is 0800am PDT, it would be 1100am EST. This is because Eastern Standard Time is 3 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time.
2:13 edt
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) are 3 hours apart. When it is 12:00 pm in EDT, it is 9:00 am in PDT.
Noon EDT is 9:00 AM in California. California is 3 hours behind Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
8pm EDT / 5pm PDT The game will be on Fox.
From the 2nd Sunday of March to the 1st Sunday of April, 1330 PDT in California = 0730 EDT in Sydney. From the 1st Sunday of April to the 1st Sunday of October, 1330 PDT in California = 0630 EST in Sydney. From the 1st Sunday of October to the 1st Sunday of November, 1330 PDT in California = 0730 EDT in Sydney. From the 1st Sunday of November to the 2nd Sunday of March, 1330 PST in California = 0830 EDT in Sydney.
At 10 AM PDT, it's 10 AM MST in most of Arizona. Both PDT and MST are 7 hours behind UTC.
When Pacific Daylight Saving Time is being observed in Baja California, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington state, Idaho, British Columbia and Yukon, 87% of Florida is in Eastern Daylight Saving Time, which is three hours ahead of PDT, and 13% of Florida is in Central Daylight Saving Time, two hours ahead of PDT.