Hip Hop has a more upbeat tune in some peoples opinions and it's entergetic and (most) people like to dance to it.
maybe is depends on what kind of hip hop it is. maybe for education hip hop or u can make music off of people to make more music.
I think all genres are just as popular, depending on where you go. I prefer heavy metal; some prefer P!nk, the Jonas Brothers, and all of those people; and a lot of people still like hip hop or rap. It really varies depending on who you are talking to.No one genre is the most popular, because if you go to a music store, you will see that it has every genre. If you scroll down, and see someone say country is the most popular, I do not see where they got their information from.The most popular music genre in US is rock. Sales percentage shows all the info.It depends. I think its this new hip hop crap. I like rock. Hip hop is most popular because they release singles all the time. But rock puts out albums every year. So that's why people have a new favorite song everyday.GEORGIAN
Because it helped them to have a happier and more joyful life
The most common beat used in hip-hop music is the 4/4 time signature with a strong emphasis on the first and third beats.
The style of hip hop music is "rap". It was created in the South Bronx of New York City in the 1970s. also we cannot forget about the producers of hip hop they make music distinctly different then any other Genre, hip music is drum machine music, and without its own music and style of music it would not be a genre, the Music and style of Music for Hip Hop was created on the west 1986
I would say that people like hip hop,R&B,And I hepop.ar most people listening to that. ---Meg
People like the style of the music and the beats.
rap and hip hopEvery kind of music
street dance has changed with change in the field of music. Today the world hip hop or heavy rock, but in previous years people prefer only classical.Street dance needs a music which has a blend of beats.
Hip hop songs are often about the hardships and battles of everyday adults and teenagers. Hip hop music is easy to relate to and you can feel a connection with the music and singers.
pop music abbreviation of "popular" most people understand it if you think about: "commercially recorded music"
Hip-hop music includes rap and music that people can breakdance to, while b-boying is breakdancing, which is a type of hip-hop dance.
maybe is depends on what kind of hip hop it is. maybe for education hip hop or u can make music off of people to make more music.
hip hop or rap
hip hop
music people could get in the rythem
Hip hop