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The band that sings the Tna theme song - Cross the line is AD/AM.

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Q: Who sings TNAs theme song Cross the Line?
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Is WWE better then TNA?

Yes of course. depends how u look at them tna is more extreme now that wwe is in the pg era but thw wwe superstars could probaly kick tnas asses No WWE is not better than TNA Wrestling because when WWE went from TV-14 to TV-PG they became too babyish and immature to be a good wrestling company anymore and they are embrassed about being a wrestling company, so WWE started calling themselves sports entertainment when on the other hand TNA is proud to be a wrestling company and themselves wrestling and is rated TV-14 and have good wrestling matches etc.

At the end of Spider-Man TNAS Peter Parker throws his Spider-Man suit into a river What happens after this?

Well, I guess something happened that made him decide to become spiderman again before Spiderman 2 (as Spiderman tnas takes place between 1 and 2). That isn't hard to imagine: some bad villain breaks out of prison, or a new one pops up---and the world is clamoring for the hero to save them. Or perhaps he takes the initiative and bashes the villain before he or she can cause overwhelming casualties. Wouldn't you agree that a shocking number of people died in this cartoon series? I'm not against it--it was kind of like a mini movie series. Grown-up (or 7+ cartoons anyway) cartoons are nice. It's fun to actually know that SOME of the crazy stuff he deals with hurts. Spidey isn't perfect--although one advantage of the computer-animation was the hottest incarnation of Peter Parker ever. Cute face. No wonder MJ was crawling all over him. But anyway--he gets a new suit and returns to crime fighting. In his heart Peter Parker understands that he is not truly guilty, and that the world needs him. A world with only villains cannot survive. Spidey will understand the need for balance, and will remember to be careful around Mind-controllers. And Peter is smart enough to understand mind over matter. Peace :)