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Steve York

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Q: Who plays harmonica on Robert Palmer's Sneakin' Sally Though the Alley?
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Did Stevie Ray Vaughan Play the Harmonica?

Don't believe Stevie Ray played Harmonica, maybe for kicks, not in any recording though. TK

Harmonica on Smokin in the Boys Room?

In Motley Crue's Smokin in the boys room, Mick Mars shares the solo with a harmonica track. Though in concert, Vince Neil is the one with the harmonica, he's only faking it. Nikki Sixx is the only one in the band that can play harmonica, so Nikki's harmonica track its blasted through the PA live and Vince fakes harmonica skills. Amazing song!

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On "Don't Box Me In" Stan uses a chromatic harmonica. You can see it in several YouTube videos. Don't know the brand though.

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No , Robert Conrad was never part of the Little Rascals . (Robert Blake was though .)

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He switches to a harmonica mic, I'm have no clue as to brand and model, though.

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No he has a girl firiend though

What kind of clothes does Robert Pattinson wear?

Robert Pattinson wears casual clothes, though they are stylish

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Robert Kazinsky is 25 years old, hes really fit though!! xxxx

Does terrence howard have a nephrew by the nameof Robert Richard?

No Robert is not related to him at all but they do look a lot alike though.

Did Mary Ambrose Robert Palmers ex girlfriend offer to erase Mick Carters Palmers former managers substansial debt to Palmers family if he would announce her as palmers companion after palmers death?

Yes. Mick Carter, who was Robert Palmer's manager, and who was fired in September of 2003 did owe Robert Palmer a substansial financial debt. After an audit was conducted on accounts of Palmer's that Mick Carter was a signatore on, financial improprieties were discovered. Mick Carter had withdrawn $250,000.00 over a five-year time period for his personal use and then covered the transactions by listing them in accounting ledgers under legitimate explanations. When information contained in the ledgers was double checked it was discovered that receipts were created for companies that did not exist as well as trips and expenses that allegedly took place on Palmer's behalf had never actually occurred. Several cancelled checks were missing pertaining to these entries, causing a red flag to go up. Mick Carter was fired upon the discovery, and Robert Palmer made an arrangement for Mick Carter to reimburse him the lost money. Carter was going to mortgage his estate in restitution for the debt. When Robert Palmer died soon thereafter, and Mick Carter concluded that Robert Palmer had not yet told anyone about his firing or about his actions regarding the accounts. Unfortunately for Mick Carter, Robert Palmer had told a handful of people close to him about the situation, but Carter did not realize this. Robert Palmer had ended his personal relationship with Mary Ambrose in February of 2003. He had dated her casually from 2000 to 2003, after his 1999 divorce from his second wife Susan Palmer. She also worked for him as his live-in estate manager and personal assistant. Mary Ambrose was anxious that she should be reported as Robert Palmer's companion at the time of his death, even though Robert Palmer was by then engaged to Geraldine Edwards, his longtime friend and girlfriend. Palmer and Edwards had met in 1975. Mary Ambrose had discovered that Mick Carter owed Robert Palmer money before Palmer had passed away through a third-hand source. She promised Mick Carter that if he announced her name as Robert Palmer's companion, she would erase the debt. Mick Carter believed her and made the announcement. As it stood, however, Mary Ambrose did not have the actual authority to erase the debt, as she well knew, and Mick Carter was told he would have to rectify the debt. By then, the announcement had been made. Another mitigating factor for making the announcement was that Mary Ambrose had a son in 2001, fathered by Mick Carter. The two used to date. Mick Carter was married at the time and wished to keep the existence of his love child with Mary Ambrose from his wife. Ambrose was not exclusive with Palmer while they dated and had two sons from acquaintances of his. In the end, Mick Carter was compelled to pay the debt he owed the late Robert Palmer to Palmer's family.

What does Robert Pattinson wear?

I do believe he is fond of clothes. Not on Jess though.

Did Taylor and kristena actually date in real life?

NO! Robert and Kriten were though