

Best Answer

Sean Bruen cause he made over 80 albums since January 2011 like his hit singles of the following down below.

1.The Rainbow City(4th February 2011)

2.Dollar(3rd March 2011)

3.Robzone(5th January 2012)

4.Just Keep on Dancing(4th January 2012)

5.Rock Down the Way(29th November 2011)

6.Scoil Fhursa Best Friends(2nd February 2012)

7.The Flood(3rd August 2011)

8.The Way You Left Me(

9.I Want to Say


11.Jogging on the Beach

12.Modern Warfare II


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Q: Who is the best 11 year old singer?
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You have to have a good voice,confidence,and you have to be talented.

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yes it is a good phone for an 11 year old. but samsung galaxy y[young] is the best phone for 11 year olds.

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Well the best for an 11 year old girl is 28-35kg and some 35-40kg

How can an 11-year-old become a famous singer?

He\She can get a record deal (or get discovered by a famous person) and if they sound really good the press will let he\she be a famous young singer