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Cyril Damien invented the Accordion in 1829 and is also known as the squeezebox or melodeon.

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Q: Who invented the accordion in 1829 and what other name is this instrument?
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Who invented the accordion?

In 1829, Cyrill Demian invented the accordion.

Did the button and piano accordion get made at the same time?

The button accordion was invented in 1829 by Cyril Damien while the piano accordion was invented in 1852 by French accordion maker Bouton.

What also moves like an accordion?

Similar musical instruments to the accordion include both the harmonica and concertina as these are wind instruments. The concertina itself was invented by Charles Wheatstone in 1829. This concertina was a small hexagonal instrument, with two twelve button keyboards and was fully chromatic, the same note played on push/pull of the bellows. Today, this kind of concertina is known as an Anglo concertina. Concertinas in countries such as Ireland are diatonic, different notes produced on pull/push of the bellows. The concertina is very similar to the accordion as you have both chromatic and diatonic accordions. The make up of this instrument is also very similar to the accordion with keyboards on either side connected together by a bellows.

What does concertina mean?

The Deinition From A Dictionary Is Below -noun 1. a musical instrument resembling an accordion but having buttonlike keys, hexagonal bellows and ends, and a more limited range. 2. concertina wire.-verb (used without object) 3. to fold, crush together, or collapse in the manner of a concertina: The car concertinaed when it hit the truck.-verb (used with object) 4. to cause to fold or collapse in the manner of a concertina.-adjective 5. of, pertaining to, or resembling a concertina: concertina pleats.---- Origin:appar. coined by the original instrument's inventor, English instrument-maker Charles Wheatstone (1802-75), who patented it in 1829; cf. concertino, seraphina a similar instrument

Related questions

Who invented the accordion 1829 by what other name is this instrument known?

i dont know im asking you

Who invented the accordion in 1829?

Cyril Damien invented the accordion in 1829.

When was the accordion invented?

The accordion was invented in 1829.

Who invented the accordion?

In 1829, Cyrill Demian invented the accordion.

Did the button and piano accordion get made at the same time?

The button accordion was invented in 1829 by Cyril Damien while the piano accordion was invented in 1852 by French accordion maker Bouton.

Are button accordions made before piano accordions?

The button accordion was invented by Cyril Damien in 1829 while the piano accordion was invented by French accordion maker, Bouton, in Paris in 1852.

Who invented the accordian?

It is difficult to trace who actually invented the accordion. Some say it was invented in 1816 by a Friedrich Lohneralthough the instrument was still in its early days and probably not quite as complex as it is now. Other people believe it was invented in 1822. However to answer your question, you asked who invented the accordion in 1829 then the man you are looking for was named Cyrill Demian.

Who invinted the accordian in 1829?

The accordion is believed to have been invented in Berlin in 1822 by Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann.

What is the name of the instrument that is a smaller version of the accordion?

Perhaps you are thinking of the concertina. While there were versions of the concertina in Germany, we are not entirely sure who invented them or when. However, we do know that a popular version of the concertina was developed in England by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1829.

What also moves like an accordion?

Similar musical instruments to the accordion include both the harmonica and concertina as these are wind instruments. The concertina itself was invented by Charles Wheatstone in 1829. This concertina was a small hexagonal instrument, with two twelve button keyboards and was fully chromatic, the same note played on push/pull of the bellows. Today, this kind of concertina is known as an Anglo concertina. Concertinas in countries such as Ireland are diatonic, different notes produced on pull/push of the bellows. The concertina is very similar to the accordion as you have both chromatic and diatonic accordions. The make up of this instrument is also very similar to the accordion with keyboards on either side connected together by a bellows.

How Has the accordion changed over the years?

The accordion has developed beyond recognition since it was invented in 1829. By the middle of the 19th Century chromatic accordions were on the scene where each button on these musical instruments played the same note regardless of the bellows direction. French accordion maker Bouton applied the piano keyboard to the accordion in 1852 and is credited its invention. During the late 1930s the British Chromatic accordion was developed by Venazio Morino under the request of Scottish accordionist Jimmy Shand. This accordion consisted of a B/C/C# tuned treble keyboard accompanied by a Stradella bass mechanism. The 1950s saw the invention of the electonic accordion, known back then as the Electronium, and only became popular in the 1990s following the addition of M.I.D.I. (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) on these musical instruments.

Who invented Graham crackers in 1829?

Sylvester Graham in 1829 in Bound Brook.