"Mamma Mia" the song was made in 1975.
in September 1975
Mamma Mia - song - was created on 1999-05-10.
All of the songs from the movie Mamma Mia which were originally performed by Abba, were performed by the actors in the film. The title song, Mamma Mia, was performed by Meryl Streep.
It is not.
"Mamma Mia" the song was made in 1975.
in September 1975
Mamma Mia - song - was created on 1999-05-10.
The song that both opens and closes the film version of Mamma Mia! is I Have a Dream.
All of the songs from the movie Mamma Mia which were originally performed by Abba, were performed by the actors in the film. The title song, Mamma Mia, was performed by Meryl Streep.
It is not.
I Do I Do I Do
Mamma Mia is a song recorded by the Swedish pop group ABBA. The song is about a woman who is time and time again disappointed by her unfaithful, partner, but forgives him away.
In 1999
If you mean who sung the song Mamma Mia in the movie Mamma Mia that would have been Meryl Streep who played the role of Sophie's mother Donna otherwise it would have been ABBA
If you're asking about the Mamma Mia! movie, S.O.S. was sung as a duet by Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan.