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You use the reed pipe from the Temple of the Muses twice.

You play the colors on the wheel to open the door to the Minotaur Lair. The notes are blue blue green yellow yellow blue red green.

In the underground realm of Hades, play the lullaby from Euterpe to lull the beast Cerberus to sleep. It is blue green yellow blue red green.

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Q: What tune do you play on Mythology island?
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What is the tune you have to play for the under water beasts on Poptropica?

if you mean in mythology island, you dont play a tune for the hydra thats only for the dog you have to jump on their heads if you need help just go to youtube and type in poptropica cheats mythology island

What is the tune to make the dogs go to sleep on mythology island?

The answer is to play this tune on the pipes: blue, green, yellow, blue, red, green.

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To get the whisker from cerberus on mythology, you have to play the pipe tune that you get from euterpre, the master of music, in the grove of temples. He will fall asleep so you can get it. This is for the mythology island .

How do get the whiskers in Mythology Island?

Get the reed pipe and learn the tune from the statue. Cross River Styx and play the tune it will put the dog to sleep. then click on the dog to geta wisker

Where do you get the whisker on poptropica in mythology island?

You blow tune on reed pipe

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You play the pipe tune and the dog will fall asleep. Then take the whisker.[Its one of the five sacred items.]

How do you put Cebrus to sleep in mythology island?

Question: How do you put Cerberus to sleep in mythology island in Poptropica? Answer: It is pretty simple because all you have to do is get the pipe tune from the muse of music (you can find that inside a really musical looking sort of building) you have to get it because it is really important. You go to where Cerberus is then you play the pipe tune that you learned from the muse of music. you get out your pipe and you play it. That is how you get Cerberus to go to sleep in Poptropica

How do you complete the pipe tunes on Mythology Island?

You go to the temple and complete the musician statue's challenge and she will give you a pipe and a tune. When you go to the gate, click the olive, and then play the tune on the pipe the statue gave you the gate will then open.

How do you get a bone for Cerberus on mythology island?

You're not going to befriend the dog, you're going to lull it to sleep. Play the tune on the reed pipe: blue-green-yellow-blue-red-green.

How do you clean graffiti in mythology island on poptropica?

To clean the graffiti in Mythology Island on Poptropica, you need to first buy a reed pipe from the market and use it to play a specific tune near the graffiti. This will summon Pan, who will help you clean the graffiti with his music.

What is the tune that makes Cerberus fall asleep on mythology island?

Blue, green, yellow, blue, red, green.

How do you unlock Mythology Island?

To unlock Mythology Island on Poptropica, go to the Main Street of any island and access the travel map. Search for and select Mythology Island. Once you arrive on the island, follow the storyline and complete various quests to progress.