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Any singer might sing in any key at one time or another. What matters is having a particular song in a key that allows the range (low to high notes of the song) to fit into your vocal range.

Some songs have the root (A if in the key of A, for example; also known as do of the do-re-mi scale) around the middle of the range of the song. Other songs have the root on a low and high octave with most of the notes somewhere in between.

I happen to be looking right now at an arrangement of "Happy Trails" that is in G, but the range goes from Middle D to high D (a fourth under the root to a fifth above). And I have an arrangement of "Unfortunate Miss Baily" in D that also goes from Middle D to high D (root on the low octave to the root on the upper octave).

So you might easily sing "Happy Trails" in A, a step higher that this copy, going from Middle E to High E. But to sing "Unfortunate Miss Baily" in A, you would be going from A to A. If you are an alto you could go from the A below Middle C to the A above. If you are a soprano and the low A is too low, the other option is to go from the A an octave higher up to the a that is a ledge line above the treble clef (in other words, really high).

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