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Q: What is the meaning of unhappy or sorrowful sound?
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Depressed, unhappy, sorrowful, sad...

What is other word for sad?

Another word for sad is "unhappy" or "sorrowful."

What is the root word for sad?

The root word for "sad" is likely the Old English word "sæd," meaning sated or full, which later evolved to mean "satisfied" and eventually "sorrowful" or "unhappy."

What is the definition of afflito?

afflicted, miserable, sad, unhappy Musically, a piece is to be played with melancholy and sorrowful passion.

What has the author James Revel written?

James Revel has written: 'The poor unhappy transported felon's sorrowful account'

Is unhappy a prefixes word?

synonyms: sad · miserable · sorrowful · dejected · despondent · disconsolate · morose · [more] (unhappy at/about/with) not satisfied or pleased with (a situation). "many were unhappy about the scale of the cuts" synonyms: dissatisfied · displeased · discontented · disappointed · disgruntled · disapproving of unfortunate. "an unhappy coincidence" synonyms: unfortunate · unlucky · luckless · hapless · ill-starred · ill-fated · [more]

What is the meaning for sorrowful?

Full of sorrow (sadness). Regretful, remorseful

What is a better word for sad when you are describing someone?

some words that are better then sad are: unhappy, depresed, miserable, tearful, sorrowful, and full of sadness

Sad people are?

sad ^-^......isnt it a bit obvious?

What is the meaning of name Jabez?

Hebrew (yabetz = ‏יַעְבֵּץ) for "he makes sorrowful".

What is the meaning of mournfully?

When you are feeling sad and sorrowful, this is an example of a time when you are mournf

Synonym of sad?

other words for sad:unhappy, depressed, unsatisfied, gloomy, miserable, down,cheerless, grieved, heavy-hearted, gloomy, downcast, low-spiritedSome synonyms for the word sad are, upset, dissapointed, and down. There are more, just think.