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Q: What is the lowest voice part in a choir?
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Related questions

What is the lowest female singing voice?

The lowest female voice in a choir is called a contralto or, more commonly, an alto. This voice is also referred to as a "second alto."

What is the highest natural male voice part in a four-part choir?


What is a man's singing voice often heard in a choir called?

Tenors are the highest, baritones in the middle and basses are the lowest.

What does bassoon mean?

The bassoon is a musical instrument in the woodwind family. It is the lowest, or bass, voice in the woodwind choir. It often duplicates the cello voice in orchestral compositions.

What are the vocal parts in a four-part choir?

Soprano, alto, tenor, bass (from highest to lowest)

When was Warrington Male Voice Choir created?

Warrington Male Voice Choir was created in 1898.

When was Froncysyllte Male Voice Choir created?

Froncysyllte Male Voice Choir was created in 1946.

When was YL Male Voice Choir created?

YL Male Voice Choir was created in 1883.

The lowest singing voice is what?

Bass is the lowest voice-part. It goes (from lowest to highest): bass, baritone, tenor, contra-alto, alto, mezzo-soprano, soprano

What is alto in the choir?

is a voice

When was Linköping University Male Voice Choir created?

Linköping University Male Voice Choir was created in 1972.

What movie has a choir boy that loses his voice?

It is possible you are thinkng of 'Boy's Choir'.