The key of E minor has one sharp: F sharp. It is the relative minor of G Major.
The key signature of E minor is F#.
A minor has no key signature.
The key signature of the C minor scale has three flats: B flat, E flat, and A flat.
Having 4 sharps in a key signature indicates that the music is likely in the key of E major or its relative minor, C minor.
6 flats. B, E, A, D, G and C.
The key signature of E minor is F#.
The corresponding minor key to G Major is e minor. The key signature will be the same, one sharp: F#.
E sharp minor
A minor has no key signature.
G (or E minor)
That is C Minor
C minor
E Minor
That is the signature for the key of Db. Or, it's relative minor, Bb minor.
6 flats. B, E, A, D, G and C.
F# minor, which has 3 sharps in the key signature.
E Minor Scale has a key signature note of F-Sharp and with a G Major Scale.