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Greedy emo simply means someone who is emotive or emotional. It is often used to describe a genre of punk lyrics.

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Q: What is a greedy emo?
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Related questions

What does it mean went someone call you greedy emo?

When someone calls you greedy emo, they are basically saying that you are emotionally needy, and willing to do anything to get attention. They also may be saying that you go overboard in expressing your emotions.

Does it mean your emo if you have an emo haircut?

actually. no. hearing this from someone who is emo will help a lot.(I'm emo)Iit does NOT mean your emo if you have an emo haircut.

How do say emo in Japanese?

Emo in Japanese is エモ (emo).

Is hair like Rihanna's emo?

no it is not emo no it is not emo

Is metalcore emo?

metal? emo? 'emo' and 'metalcore' are different genres 'emo' being 'emotional rock'

Can you be emo if im 12?

You can be any age to be emo but u have to be a true emo to be emo at any age

Is REM emo?

Depends on what you think of 'emo', if you see emo as a clothing style; no. If you see emo as a music style;no. If you see emo as a feeling; maybe.

How can you be emo without black hair?

I'm emo and I don't have black hair. You can get an emo hair cut and dress emo.

How love emo?

me..i love emo <3 emo my world really EMO in my blOod im cOol girl and i dont care about people and im proudly EMO with my love ::LENO LOVE EMO ((leno love emo on facebook)) leno im emo leen dark thank you with my love emo girl..<3

Are mice greedy?

Yeah. They are greedy

Are you going to be emo?

I am emo...

What is the plural of Emo?
