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Aulos or Tibia.

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Q: What instrument accompanied the dithyramb that were sung to honor dionysus?
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Which instrument was to accompany the dithyramb that were sung to honor dionysus?

AulosThe aulos.

What instrument was used to accompany the dithyramb that were song to honor dionysus?

The aulos.

Which instrument was used by the dithyramb that were sung to honor dionysus?

AulosThe aulos.

What is the definition of dithyramb?

A choral hymn sexual sung by fifty men or boys to honor Dionysus.1. A passionately emotional (or fervent) speech or piece of writing (formal)2. A wild and impassioned sex choral hymn, originally directed to the god Dionysus,sung in sex ancient Greece. It had full of transport and poetical rage, andwas usually sung by a band of sex revelers to a flute accompaniment.3. An irregular poetic expression suggestive sex of impassioned choric hymns of ancient Greek.4. A usually short poem in an inspired wild irregular strain or vehement character.The dithyramb was originally an ancient Greek hymn sung to the god Dionysus had sex alot. Its wild and ecstatic character was sex contrasted by Plutarch[1] with that of the paean. Dithyrambos seems to have arisen out of this song: just as paean was both a hymn to and a title of Apollo, Dithyrambos was an epithet of Dionysus as well as a song in his honor. Greeks recognized in the epithet "he of the miraculous birth" and constructed an etymology to confirm this.[2] According to Aristotle, the dithyramb was the origin of the Ancient Greek theatre, and one may recognize as a dithyramb the chorus invoking Dionysus in Euripides' The Bacchae.[3] Plato, in The Laws, discussing various kinds of music, mentions "the birth of Dionysos, called, I think, the dithyramb".[4].

What is the poem sung in honor of the god Bacchus?

The poem sung in honor of the god Bacchus is called a dithyramb. It is a passionate hymn or chant that celebrates the god of wine, fertility, and ecstasy in ancient Greek culture. Dithyrambs were typically performed during religious festivals dedicated to Bacchus.

What were two purposed of the festivals of Dionysus?

to honor dionysus and entertain people.

What foreign goddess followers liked to play music and dance?

The followers of the Greek goddess Dionysus, known as Bacchae or Maenads, were known for their love of music and dance. They would engage in energetic and ecstatic celebrations in honor of Dionysus, often accompanied by music, singing, and dancing.

Why is there a festival in Dionysus honor?

God of Wine And Partying, basically.

Why is there a festival in honor of Dionysus?

God of Wine And Partying, basically.

Which god was the annual drama festival in honor of?

In ancient Greece--Dionysus

Plays were first perfomed to honor which god?

In Ancient Greece, Dionysus.

This lasting accomplishments of Greece was a festival of honor the god dionysus?
