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it means finally you can see someone for what they really are

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Q: What does it mean by finally I can see you crystal clear?
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What does crystal clear display mean?

Means the quality of the picture is not blurred or smoothed and details of the picture easy to see

What is a sentence using the word clear?

The glasses made her see the world crystal clear.

What does the word transparent mean?

Clarion, halcyon, undimmed, cloudless, bright...Transparent is another word for clear. Windows are typically clear. Clear windows allow automobile drives to see and remain protected while driving.

Where can you go and have crystal clear ocean water So clear you can see fishsharks if they were near you?

saint thomas the virgin islands

What four words describes glasses?

Transparent , Crystal-clear , See-through ,Reflective

Why can you see reflection in a crystal water?

You can see a reflection in crystal-clear water because the smooth surface of the water acts like a mirror, reflecting light rays back to your eye. When the water is still and undisturbed, it creates a clear and crisp reflection of objects above it.

How do you spell oulbiously?

The word "obviously" means something so crystal clear you don't see how it could have been missed.

Is it worth getting Harry Potter in Blu-ray?

If you want to see the movies with crystal clear images and sound, then yes

Where is Crystal Clear Lake in Dragon Fable?

go to amityvale then go to Thursday / the girl next to zorbak the little blue creature then click on the path then you will see it then click on it then you will be on the mission.

Can you put clear varnish over semigloss paint?

Yes, however, if it is an oil-based clear you'll see an amber color to the tint. Water-based clears tend to be crystal clear and do not affect the underlying color.

What is the rock that is clear called?

the rock that is clear, is well it depends because there is more than 1 clear rock there is the diamond and a few others that you can see through and they are really crystals! it could be quartz..

How do contacts help you see?

they help you by a tiny type of plastic seal that when you look through it with bad eye site it will combine it and make you see exactly the way you see with out glasses CRYSTAL CLEAR VISION