"¿Hoy Qué toca?" is an informal expression asking what is scheduled for today or what's the plan for today. The literal translation is "Today, what plays/touches?" but that is completely misleading. The word toca in this context really means" turn" as in "Who's turn is it?" (¿A quién le toca?)
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The song Todos Pueden Ser Felices was sang and recorded in the late '70s by the Peruvian branch of Los Niños de Dios (The Children of God), I think you can find it in YouTube. Peace.
ellos ponen la misma cancion que a todos le ponen cuando estan tristes
This is supposed to mean that someone is talking about you.
This is a rather crass phrase.Translation: The Colombian woman gets naked and touches her pussy for everyone.
"No toca la guitarra" means "Don't touch the guitar" in Spanish.
Antonio Baltasar Marcelino has written: 'Problemas sociais, problemas de todos nos'
"¿Hoy Qué toca?" is an informal expression asking what is scheduled for today or what's the plan for today. The literal translation is "Today, what plays/touches?" but that is completely misleading. The word toca in this context really means" turn" as in "Who's turn is it?" (¿A quién le toca?)
Todos duermen means: Everyone is sleeping.
In Spanish, toca is "touches" (3rd person singular present tense of tocar).The acronym TOCA is The Orthopedic Clinic Association.
From Spanish to English "son todos" means 'they/you are all'.
Tocar means to play (an instrument). So toca la guitarra would mean he/she plays the guitar. I also means he/she/it touches. from the verb tocar.
nos = us cerdo = pig, hog
all points. it probably should say todos los puntos, which would mean all of the points.
One for all. All for one
"Where the sun touches the sky."